As a former federal judge, Fox News commentator Judge Jeanine Pirro understands the power of precedent — and her take Tuesday on the precedent being set by Vice President Kamala Harris is one for the history books.
Sitting in on “The Five,” Pirro used the evidence of an NBC News poll released Monday to issue a devastating judgment on the vice president’s two-and-a-half years in the country’s No. 2 position under President Joe Biden.
And it was damning.
The poll, as “The Five” co-host Dana Perino noted, showed Harris with “positive” rating of only 32 percent, compared to a “negative” rating of 49 percent — a net negative of 17 percent of the 1,000 registered voters polled (with 52 percent of them being women).
That’s the worst rating by far of vice presidents going back to Al Gore’s days in the Bill Clinton presidency — and Pirro didn’t hold back on what that means for the country.
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Pirro pointed out that of the 49 percent with a “negative” feeling about Harris, 39 percent had a “very negative” feeling — which makes for very bad news for the Democrat and her party heading into the 2024 election — because the circumstances surrounding the Biden presidency make the position of vice president unlike any other.
“Never in history has the position of vice president been more important than it is now,” Pirro said.
Do you think Kamala Harris will ever be president of the United States?
Yes: 0% (0 Votes)
No: 100% (1 Votes)
“Should Biden be elected, he’ll be 82 at the time he’s sworn in. She is literally a heartbeat away from the presidency. … Thirty-nine percent had very negative feelings about her, like, hated her. It’s not just negative with 49, 39, ‘very negative.’
“She has an office with a toxic work environment. People are fighting with each other to get to the exit door.”
And then Pirro brought down the gavel. “This is a woman who was in position to make it easy for other women behind her to come forward and do the job.”
“If anything, she has established the precedent that a woman is incapable of being a vice president.”
That’s a powerful statement — even if it’s obvious hyperbole.
The obvious ineptitude of a single cackling shrew named Kamala Harris doesn’t say anything at all about the ability of any other American woman to hold any other job in government (as long as the woman in question isn’t a Democrat, of course).
But it’s damning nonetheless.
Democrats and their propaganda arm in the establishment media have spent more than two years pretending that the former senator from California represents some kind of milestone of merit in the national history, when the whole country knows she has the job simply because she’s a woman, she’s black, and she managed to make a national profile out of a pitiful presidential primary campaign that ended before a single vote was cast.
Instead, Harris has delivered a dismal performance, such as her foray into foreign policy in Europe, where she embarrassed herself and her country and her supposed portfolio of dealing with the southern border disaster, where she embarrassed herself and her country before apparently dropping the whole thing.
In March, she humiliated herself in front of a home-team crowd when she couldn’t even tell CBS late-night host Stephen Colbert what exactly her job entails.
(In all of the liberal wasteland of television talk shows, there is no more liberal spot than a seat on the stage “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” If Harris can’t make it there, she can’t make it anywhere.)
As Pirro noted, Harris has even alienated her own staff — which takes some doing in power-hungry Washington, where getting close to a politician in Harris’ position generally means the ambitious younger generation will put up with a lot of humiliation to stay in the right circles.
And now, heading into next year’s presidential election, she’s the running mate of a man who’s in clearly advanced age, in declining mental and physical health, and she stands a real possibility of actually being the president of the United States if Democrats manage to emerge victorious after Nov. 5, 2024. (Frankly, at times it’s surprising she hasn’t been sworn in already.)
Pirro might have overstated the damage Harris has done during her time in office — probably every woman who reads The Western Journal would do a better job. Every Western Journal reader, man or woman, has probably known a dozen women admirably suited for it, or the presidency itself.
But the point she was making was brutally clear.
Harris has more than earned the negative feelings of her countrymen about her job performance in the Biden administration. It’s the only thing about the job she’s earned on her own.