For the presiding judge, this vote was literally too close to call — so he called for another election.
According to KTAL-TV in Shreveport, Louisiana, the case relates to an election for sheriff in Shreveport’s Caddo Parish, where candidate Democratic candidate Henry Whitehorn seemingly overcame his Republican opponent, John Nickelson, to win the race by a single vote.
Whitehorn’s victory came after a recount that added three additional votes to the tallies of both candidates.
However, Nickleson moved to immediately challenge the results in a lawsuit demanding a special election on account of reports of fraudulent voting and a flawed electoral process.
Did you know that the Caddo Parish sheriff election was decided by 1 vote?
Henry Whitehorn (D) received 21,621 votes to John Nickleson’s (R) 21,620.
While more than 43,000 votes were cast, only around 7,700 mail-in ballots will be rescanned.
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) November 26, 2023
After four judges on the Louisiana Supreme Court recused themselves due to their relationship with Nickleson, the case was handed to retired justice E. Joseph Bleich, who ruled in Nickleson’s favor.
On Tuesday, Bleich declared the election results as void and ordered another runoff election.
“This runoff election involved a one-vote margin,” Bleich wrote in his ruling.
Did this judge make the right call?
Yes: 0% (0 Votes)
No: 0% (0 Votes)
“It was proven beyond any doubt that there were at least 11 illegal votes cast and counted,” he continued.
“It is legally impossible to know what the true vote should have been.”
The response led to anger from Whitehorn’s camp, who suggested that Nickleson had failed to provide “compelling” evidence that the result was fraudulent.
“The judiciary should not decide elections,” Whitehorn complained in a brief submitted to the First Judicial District Court.
“Louisiana courts have made it clear that the results of an election are to be disturbed only under extraordinary circumstances where a plaintiff introduces compelling evidence that is sufficient to change the result in the election.”
The ruling was latched upon by the popular Republican activist Scott Presler, who referenced it as an example of voter fraud affecting the outcome of a locally run election.
Remember when I posted about the recount in the Louisiana Caddo Parish sheriff election — which was won by 1 vote?
A judge just ruled the election results are void.
Justice Bleich said at least 11 illegal votes were cast & counted.https://t.co/axFFeXwvw4
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) December 5, 2023
The case will likely resonate with conservatives, many of whom still feel aggrieved at the outcome of the 2020 presidential race and last year’s gubernatorial election in Arizona over concerns that voter fraud may have determined the final results.
According a recent survey by Rasmussen Reports, 56 percent of likely voters believe that cheating in the 2024 election cycle is likely, including 31 percent who said it is very likely.