Sometimes it seems as if people like Kayleigh McEnany have it all: Fame, high-profile job, beautiful family — whatever they want.
But appearances can be deceiving.
That much was revealed in an exclusive excerpt from McEnany’s new book, which doesn’t officially go on sale until May 2 but was shared Wednesday by The Daily Mail.
The book is called “Serenity in the Storm: Living Through Chaos by Leaning on Christ.”
In it, McEnany shared the struggles she went through to become pregnant with her second child, Nash, who was born in November.
In contrast to her first pregnancy with now-3-year-old Blake, which was achieved “rather quickly,” things didn’t go as planned after she and husband Sean Gilmartin decided they wanted to expand their family again in the summer of 2021.
“Several months passed, and negative pregnancy tests were ample. As spring of 2022 approached, part of me began to worry. Why wasn’t I getting pregnant? I attempted to overcome worry by leaning on faith,” the Fox News staffer, who hosts “Outnumbered,” wrote.
.@DailyMail published an early excerpt from my book about my second pregnancy, which didn’t come as easy as my first. It was a great learning lesson and faith journey for us.
As I wrote, “‘For millions of women, struggles with pregnancy occur for far longer than a few months,…
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) April 20, 2023
After a friend gave her a copy of Mark Batterson’s “Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge,” McEnany said she began to put into practice what she had learned.
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“As I tried to pray with expectation, Satan did his best to infiltrate with worry, doubt, and frustration,” she wrote.
By the time she traveled to Tulsa, Oklahoma, in March 2022 to speak at the Extraordinary Women Conference, McEnany said she was “overcome with worry” about not being able to get pregnant.
To make matters worse, she said, it seemed as if all her friends were announcing their own pregnancies.
The Tulsa conference eased some of her grief, as the music and other parts of the program helped her get her focus back on God.
Not long after that, she shared her struggle with Kathy Sparks Lesnoff, CEO of pro-life Mosaic Pregnancy and Health Centers.
“[W]ithout hesitation, Kathy asked if she could pray over me. I agreed, and right there at our dinner table, Kathy and I bowed our heads while she said a heartfelt prayer for God to bless me with a child,” McEnany said.
‘”The last time I said a prayer like this, God blessed the young woman with twins!” Lesnoff warned her after they prayed.
McEnany was undeterred. “I smiled from ear to ear at the thought!” she recalled.
They weren’t the only ones praying that prayer. McEnany prayed with her husband for a child when she got home, and she later learned he father’s Bible study was doing the same.
Just three days later, she took a home pregnancy test — and then another, just to be sure. Both were positive.
The rest is history, as McEnany and Gilmartin announced Nash’s birth in December.
.@GilmartinSean & I are thrilled to announce the birth of our son, Nash! What a truly joyful time. God has blessed us immensely! pic.twitter.com/HOGh5jsFPP
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) December 1, 2022
McEnany acknowledged that many women wait much longer than she did for a child to be conceived — and some never get pregnant at all.
“Why did God answer my prayers?” she asked. “I do not have an answer, for we will never know God’s mysteries in full while here on earth.”
However, she gives full credit to God for the precious gift.
“What a truly joyful time,” she posted on Twitter. “God has blessed us immensely.”