As America’s conservatives push back against Bud Light and Target by boycotting stores and products, Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado said that her no-show on last week’s vote to raise America’s debt ceiling was her version of boycotting a rigged system.
“Call it a ‘no-show protest,” Boebert said in a video posted to Twitter.
“Hey everyone, I’m back in Colorado, but let’s talk about D.C.,” Boebert said at the beginning of the video.
Call it a protest — there’s absolutely no way to ever justify adding another $4-6 trillion in debt.
This is more DC self-created garbage that I will always fight against. pic.twitter.com/kzWcN5COwn
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) June 3, 2023
“No excuses, I was ticked off they wouldn’t let me do my job, so I didn’t take the vote. Once again, Washington’s power machine shoved a multi-trillion-dollar bill down our throats, refused to allow debate or amendments, disregarded everything we fought for in January to actually allow representatives to do their jobs, and instead they served up a crap sandwich,” she said.
She noted that her decision followed strong denunciations of what she called “this garbage of a bill.”
“Deals cut in the dark are why we are headed towards $36 trillion in debt, and I refuse to be a part of it,” she said.
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On the day the House passed the debt ceiling bill, reporter Juliegrace Brufke implied Boebert simply didn’t get there in time to vote.
“Rep. Lauren Boebert narrowly missed the vote, running up the steps right as they gaveled,” she posted on Twitter.
Rep. Lauren Boebert narrowly missed the vote, running up the steps right as they gaveled.
— Juliegrace Brufke (@juliegraceb) June 1, 2023
Boebert issued a news release on her website explaining her opposition to the proposal, which has since passed the Senate and been signed by President Joe Biden.
“The House passing this so-called ‘deal’ was another example of the Swamp shoving a $6-plus trillion blank check for Biden down Americans’ throats,” she said.
Boebert objected to her proposed changes being rejected.
“I testified before the House Rules Committee advocating for my seven amendments, but the Swamp refused to even have real debate on the 80 amendments filed, rammed this thing through with a closed rule, and completely bypassed everything we fought for in January as part of the Rules package changes that were implemented to allow Members a voice,” she said.
“The American people are struggling with high gas prices, groceries, and other monthly expenses that were fueled by Democrats’ federal spending spree that caused record inflation. We had a real opportunity to significantly cut federal spending, restore some fiscal sanity to Washington D.C., and get our economy back on track. Unfortunately, this disastrous deal did none of those things.”
Boebert said the end result was the same old song Americans have grown tired of hearing.
“The Swamp did its old song and dance and pretended to listen to the American people, but as soon as the backroom deal was made, it was predetermined that it would pass,” she said.
Boebert said no one should assume she had anything but contempt for the package.
“I certainly wasn’t afraid to vote against the bill, as I have been advocating against it all week. I voted against the rule to consider the bill, I advocated against it publicly, and I will continue to call out the Swamp for selling out our conservative principles and mortgaging the American dream,” she said.