A Nebraska man was sentenced to two years in a federal prison in part for the exact same crime that Hunter Biden has been indicted for committing even as Hunter has been able to push off consequences for his actions.
On Oct. 2 Lincoln, Nebraska, resident Davonte Brown was sentenced to 24 months in federal prison after being arrested and tried for being an unlawful user of controlled substances who possessed a firearm, according to a press release from the United States Attorney’s office of the District of Nebraska.
According to the press release, the sentence would have been 18 months, but for an additional offense. The 24-year-old was originally arrested and indicted in 2020 and then released from prison pending his trial with the condition that he stay in touch with his probation officer. However, he tried to go on the lam, instead. He was ultimately located and re-arrested this year.
Prosecutors presented evidence in court that Brown bought the firearm despite being an unlawful drug user and posted images of himself brandishing the gun online. A search warrant was presented, a raid conducted, and the firearm that was taken into custody was found to have Brown’s fingerprints on it.
Like Hunter, Brown had also posted photographs of himself using and possessing marijuana during that same period.
The now-convicted felon eventually pleaded guilty to the charges and Senior United States District Court Judge John M. Gerrard passed the sentence.
The quick resolution of this case stands in stark contrast to the delicate treatment being afforded Hunter Biden who allegedly committed similar gun crimes.
The president’s son was indicted on a gun charge just like that of the aforementioned Mr. Brown when Hunter bought a gun in 2018 and lied on his background check form by saying he was not a drug user despite the fact that evidence shows he was abusing drugs at the time.
According to the indictment from September, Hunter “provided a written statement on Form 4473 certifying he was not an unlawful user of, and addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, and any other controlled substance, when in fact, as he knew, that statement was false and fictitious,” CNN reported at the time.
Will Hunter Biden get the same punishment?
Yes: 7% (19 Votes)
No: 93% (255 Votes)
It is a federal crime to lie on the ATF form and federal law prevents the sale of a firearm to someone who is actively using illegal drugs at the time of purchase.
Originally, Hunter was handed a sweetheart deal that would have allowed him to get away with the crime and to have prosecutors thence barred from ever seeking charges against Hunter again.
This even though he tried to make his crime disappear by illegally throwing the gun in the trash. And even though he has engaged in attempts to avoid even appearing in court at all.
But after a federal judge looked the deal over, he rejected it and the whole sweetheart offer collapsed.
Hunter was then faced with a three-count indictment.
The courts and lawyers are still wrangling even today over Hunter’s guilt on these gun charges. But he finally pleaded “not guilty” early this month in a Delaware courtroom, ABC News reported.
But the gladhanding and sweetheart deals, not to mention the long, drawn-out proceedings for Hunter, is a galling contrast to how quickly the feds moved to throw the Nebraska man discussed above in jail. It’s clear there are two systems of justice. One for rich, connected Democrats, and another one for everyone else.