March 4, 2025
Megyn Kelly did not hold back Monday in speaking her mind about Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex. She didn’t think much of their Netflix special either. As noted by the New York Post, the couple was paid an estimated $100 million by Netflix for projects with the streaming...

Megyn Kelly did not hold back Monday in speaking her mind about Prince Harry and Meghan Duchess of Sussex. She didn’t think much of their Netflix special either.

As noted by the New York Post, the couple was paid an estimated $100 million by Netflix for projects with the streaming service.

Dismissing the show as “three hours I will never get back,” Kelly summed up the so-called documentary as “a boring, uninspiring, interminable waste of time.”

On her podcast, Kelly dipped into her trademark sarcasm as she summed up Harry and Meghan.

“Believe it or not this couple is still complaining,” Kelly said.


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“From the Montecito mansion, with two beautiful, perfectly healthy children, a little chicken coop and flower garden out back, matching Uggs for Meghan and her toddler, all royal titles still intact complete with matching stationery, and nearly 200 million in the bank thanks to their insatiable desire to ‘finally tell their story,’” she said.

“Like to Oprah. And on Spotify. And to NY Magazine. And in a memoir. And … well you get the point,” she said.

Kelly bristled at the couple complaining the media was unkind to Meghan, calling the coverage they have received “fawning” and noted that the parade of stories about Meghan “made her a household name.”

“Some then said nasty things. Like calling her the C-word and the B-word and the other B-word and you know what, Meg? Been there, quick reminder!” she said.

Did you watch the Royal couple’s Netflix documentary?

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Kelley said the prince and duchess live in a different world from the people they think should adore them.

“The people this pair is asking to feel sorry for them, have their own problems. Real ones. They live paycheck to paycheck for the most part,” she said.

“They have kids in public schools where they worry about depression or drugs and crazy teachers. They work all day. They’re tired. They need a vacation that they’re probably not going to get, and they don’t have a closet full of designer dresses, never-mind stylists surrounding them for major black-tie events as we see in this piece. They live in small houses or maybe an apartment,” Kelly said.

“They keep a watchful eye on the rising gas and electric bills, the cost of groceries as they try to save for college and still give their kids a nice Christmas. Too often they’re dealing with health issues or dependency or unexpected layoffs, and they certainly don’t give a damn about the mean tweets being sent out about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex,” Kelly said.

Kelly said she came away from the show with one revelation.


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“One thing I did find interesting was the amount of emotional baggage Harry still carries. It’s big. Good gracious is this man insecure? Partly because he’s a ginger. Yes, wait for it. And partly because he clearly has not worked out the trauma of his mother’s premature death,” Kelly said.

“Time and time again, I said to myself, while watching this, ‘This guy needed therapy.’ Not the weird tapping thing he did — a real psychotherapist. That is what he needed. Not a whiny, woke, annoying wife,” she said.

After playing a clip of Harry saying his family was initially impressed that a guy like him could get a woman like Meghan, Kelly said, “He’s not wrong.”

“Does anyone really think if he were Harry Jones instead of Harry Windsor, this beautiful semi-known social climber would’ve given him the time of day? It is a bit shocking that she’s with him until you consider his title, fame, family, money, sort of, castles, staff, and access to fabulous things and people. That’s what lured her in, clearly, not Harry’s red hair and not his Mensa IQ either,” she said.

Kelly became fired up over a comment Harry made in the show that his wife no longer has a father.

“She doesn’t have a dad? What a farce. She does have a dad. He raised her and loved her and paid for her college and never asked for any of this attention,” Kelly said.

“You know who doesn’t have a dad? Me, and millions of others out there who would kill to have just one more Christmas with them,” Kelly said.

“Her dad has had two heart attacks and a stroke. He lives just a few hours away from her, but now he’s dead to them? Because he didn’t deal well with the paparazzi he’s ghosted? I guess Harry’s her daddy now,” she said.

But if Kelly did not like what she saw, millions of people did, according to Reuters, 81.55 million viewing hours have been spent watching the show, and more than 28 million people have tuned in to at least some of the series.