March 10, 2025
Something maniacal was unleashed in the wake of the leaked draft opinion detailing the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. This frightening new obscenity is more insidious and...

Something maniacal was unleashed in the wake of the leaked draft opinion detailing the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

This frightening new obscenity is more insidious and deadly than Jim Crow ever was. I join many others who are furious that the black community is yet again being used to perpetrate a terroristic attack against the people of America.

It is the elites who are calling for women to take it to the streets — to protest the potential reversal of a decision that has had a genocidal and devastating impact on this nation. In particular, they desire the black community — those who have had their birthrate so gutted they are no longer having enough children to remain 12 percent of the population — to join them in the streets. That will not happen this time.

All across America, black women of childbearing age — those who have been targeted consistently by the abortion industry — have had proportionately the greatest number of abortions. In fact, black women of childbearing age are roughly 3 percent of the population and yet have 40 percent of all abortions. In some states, the numbers are so horrific they should take your breath away, with more abortions being performed than babies being born.

Georgia, where I am running for governor, is one of those states. In 2020, there were 31,248 abortions performed. Of that staggering number, 20,601 — 66 percent — were on black women. More abortions were performed in Georgia than ever before, making it a banner year for the abortion industry — even during a pandemic.


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The very same year, Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading abortion provider whose Southeast regional office is in Atlanta, announced that it is a systemically racist, white supremacist organization that has caused “reproductive harm” to minority women. The reaction… crickets.

There was no marching, protests or outrage from black “social justice” leaders. There was no rioting, shouts of “Black Lives Matter” or demands to shut Planned Parenthood down. Not one black legislator elected to protect black interests marched in the streets or otherwise reacted to Planned Parenthood’s admission. Instead, they continued to accept money from the organization that has killed millions of their own. The silence was deafening.

The civil rights movement was never meant to be used as a tool to destroy the black family. Yet politicians have used the movement to create a false narrative that includes the “right” to take unborn lives.

Through Planned Parenthood’s Negro Project, launched in 1939 and continuing today, political operatives such as Stacey Abrams and Sen. Raphael Warnock are paid to promote birth control and abortion as lifesaving tools, especially for black women. They call it “reproductive justice” — but it is anything but just.

Should abortion be banned?

Yes: 94% (48 Votes)

No: 6% (3 Votes)

In response to the possibility that Roe could be no more, Abrams announced she is suspending her campaign fundraising in favor of raising money for the very organizations that have taken more black lives than any group, including the KKK. Since 1973, more than 20 million black babies have died in one of the abortion centers in or near black neighborhoods. This staggering number is more than America’s entire black population in 1960.

I am furious that Abrams and others dare to prostitute the black experience to sell abortions to black women. Not one of our ancestors fought, bled and died so that the black community could be exterminated in the name of civil rights, social justice or women’s health.

The diabolical plan launched by Abrams in support of the longstanding Negro Project has to be stopped dead in its tracks, along with all the other elite-driven plans of terror aimed at persuading the Supreme Court justices to change their votes. I am calling on all people of goodwill, all people who believe every life should be protected whether in the womb or out, to stand in unity against this latest plot intended to intimidate the court to make a political rather than a constitutional decision.

I am calling on the black community to no longer allow our lives to be prostituted for the sake of enriching a few. Our nation, our state and our community deserve the right to life.

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