February 23, 2025
The Western allies and particularly the U.S. have done almost everything possible to destroy negotiations with Russia. A myriad of sanctions, the ever-increasing supply of weapons and financial support to Ukraine, and blowing up the second pipeline have already done plenty. Yet there was still a glimmer of hope left...

The Western allies and particularly the U.S. have done almost everything possible to destroy negotiations with Russia.

A myriad of sanctions, the ever-increasing supply of weapons and financial support to Ukraine, and blowing up the second pipeline have already done plenty.

Yet there was still a glimmer of hope left before the International Criminal Court put the nail in the negotiations’ coffin. It issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin, alleging war crimes and a scheme to deport Ukrainian children to Russia.

Although the accusations are mostly legit, similar or worse accusations can apply to many other world leaders. Yet none have been issued arrest warrants.

The progression of events since before the war started until Putin’s arrest warrant clearly shows that NATO and Ukraine weren’t interested in negotiations after they instigated the invasion.


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Let’s say the U.S. and Russia would like to discuss a ceasefire in the future. How will Putin travel to the U.S., Ukraine or any other place to negotiate terms if he risks being arrested?

Arresting Putin outside of Russia won’t happen because there is no reason for him to travel to places under ICC jurisdiction. Good luck arresting him in Russia, which does not recognize the ICC’s authority in any way.

Maybe, if someday Putin is stripped of his power and presidency, some of the powerful oligarchs in Russia will turn him over in exchange for dropping sanctions. But that’s as close as it gets since Putin is not about to relinquish his throne.

All this really amounts to is “We don’t like you, Putin,” mostly a diplomatic maneuver rather than a criminal one. Of course, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was quick to thank the ICC for its “historic” decision, which will likely cause more casualties and destruction rather than prevent them.

The only certainties coming out of this diplomatic theater are more bad blood between Putin and NATO and China being welcomed into his den to stay. Stronger China-Russia relations could bring some interesting future events, not necessarily good ones for the U.S. and Western allies that still consider themselves democracies.

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But since Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and the Biden administration are attempting to change the meaning of words such as “inflation,” “recession,” “insurrection,” etc., who knows what they really mean by “democracy” nowadays?

One thing is certain, and its meaning won’t be changed by the Biden administration or anyone else, for that matter. This alliance will get China its desired natural resources from Russia along with other goods that can only create a stronger and more authoritarian CCP.

Taiwan will be the most affected, as China will be in a much better position for “reunification” by force. This will certainly not be the West and East Germany reunification that people on both sides of the wall longed for. China is the only interested party here.

The bigger problem is that Taiwan is heavily armed and has a much higher population and infrastructure density than Ukraine. Thus, significantly higher casualties and destruction can result from such reunification.


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As the Russia-Ukraine war negotiations receive almost a fatal blow, it will substantially lengthen the conflict and/or place the world closer to a nuclear war than ever before.

Those progressive politicians whining about global warming should really worry about global frying and hopefully do something about it rather than pour more gasoline on the fire. And since nowadays there’s never a shortage of going from bad to worse, the world should also brace for a new war between China and Taiwan — provided there is still a world left.

Combining all these factors with a devaluating dollar, inflation, recession, bank failures and uncontrollable government spending, there’s a lot on the plate for the rest of 2023.

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