When it comes to the Biden Justice Department, if it weren’t for double standards, there might be no standards at all.
Such is the case with how the FBI (the principal law enforcement division of the Justice Department) is investigating more than 40 cases of arson and other acts of domestic terrorism against pro-life pregnancy centers.
To date, there have been zero arrests of activists in such groups as Jane’s Revenge in these cases of domestic terrorism. But when a Planned Parenthood clinic was recently firebombed, the suspect was arrested in four days.
This is a gross miscarriage of justice. It’s a double standard that reeks to the high heavens. In comparison, in the 1980s and 1990s, at the height of protests in front of abortion clinics, there were about 80,000 arrests of pro-lifers.
One example is CompassCare, a pregnancy center in Buffalo, New York. Jane’s Revenge spray-painted our building and other pro-life pregnancy centers with the phrases “Jane was here” and “If we’re not safe, nobody is safe.”
As ludicrous as that sounds, they allude to a purported resurgence of coat hanger abortions they infer could imperil the lives of abortion-minded women. Clearly, we’re not likely to see that sort of self-“surgery.” There are many alternative paths to ending a pregnancy, including getting abortion pills by mail or obtaining an abortion in a state that keeps abortion legal.
This rhetoric is a recipe for emotionally charged soundbites and an attempt at gaining sympathy for law enforcement agencies looking the other way when pro-abortion domestic terrorists damage pro-life centers. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures in this post-Roe v. Wade era. That’s the hogwash they want you to believe.
The pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo was not only used as a makeshift spray-painted billboard for Jane’s Revenge, but it was firebombed as well! These domestic terrorists — make no mistake; that’s what they are — literally cause millions of dollars in damage to pro-life pregnancy centers as if these “pro-choice” activists (i.e., terrorists) are on some moral vigilante mission. They play the role of heroes and heroines in the fiendish forefront of their minds.
These terrorists think they are above the law. Why? Because they are above the law. At least that’s the message Biden’s “Justice” Department is sending by making zero arrests. What’s more, there is virtually nothing negative reported in the establishment news media about these “activists.”
Does Biden’s Justice Department have double standards?
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Playing devil’s advocate for a moment, perhaps there are crimes being committed by pro-life pregnancy centers against women. Maybe we can cut Jane’s Revenge slack for exposing and punishing those crimes. If so, just what are they?
As nearly as I can determine, the “crime” is that pro-life pregnancy centers dare to suggest adoption over abortion to mothers in crisis pregnancies who choose not to raise the child. There’s a couple-of-year waiting list for babies to adopt due to the 63 million babies aborted in the U.S. since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion. While it may sound crass, from a supply and demand perspective, there is far more demand for babies than supply.
Another “crime” committed by pro-life pregnancy centers is their willingness to offer free diapers and medical services to moms who choose to carry their babies to term and raise them. How dare we care for babies and mothers! Issue an APQ. Arrest us on sight!
While abortion providers are quick to say they also offer other services than abortion and how they care so much about mothers, their actions tell a different story. We’re seeing hoards of abortionists move out of pro-life states. So where will moms get medical services in such cases? Certainly not from the abortion centers that left town, but from pro-life pregnancy centers — those that the pro-abortion crowd has not yet firebombed.
They act with impunity, knowing they can rely upon Democrats in the House and Oval Office to maintain selective enforcement against pesky pro-lifers while looking the other way when crimes are committed by activists for “choice” (as in choosing to end the lives of babies).
In life, we are given many choices. The pro-choice movement seems to care mainly about one choice: abortion.
At pro-life pregnancy centers, we care about life, in and out of the womb, for life is a gift. If someone doesn’t want to accept that gift, they should try “re-gifting” it to a family eager to adopt and give their baby a happy home.
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