I am very worried about the future of our nation as my generation hands the mantle of leadership over to younger people who have not learned true American history in school, and thus are not adequately prepared to fight off existential threats both foreign and domestic.
So, here is my advice for my dearest children and grandchildren:
First, your generation really needs to understand the bloody sacrifices your grandparents’ generation made to give you the freedoms you still have. Fighter pilots risked everything to protect you before you were born. Soldiers in the trenches sacrificed their lives so you wouldn’t have to sacrifice yours.
Two defining forces offered to die for you: Jesus Christ and the American G.I. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.
I was a small child during the recovery of this nation from World War II. I remember how things were. People rarely complained about their situation in life or how “unfair” things were. They were not the least bit interested in robbing another person’s money through the ballot box.
Lest we forget, the government has no money of its own. It is taxpayer money that funds necessary projects such as building roads and dams.
Federal government spending has increased 100 times from what it was back when I was born to the ugly behemoth it is today. All in the name of benefits for “free.” My generation knew there was no such thing as a free lunch. That’s because we packed lunches in lunch pails to go to work as carpenters, ironworkers or mechanics.
Despite virtually no government handouts, people were still friendly to strangers and helped each other voluntarily. Families stuck together and helped each other, and nobody looked to the government for a monthly check. We were self-reliant. It was these values that made this nation the strongest and best in the world.
Today, powerful and deceptive forces are attacking all the freedoms protected for us by your grandparents’ generation. Make no mistake about it: The candy men offering “free stuff” are from the pit of hell.
They may appear as angels of light to the weak-minded among us who are too easily manipulated by the evil establishment media cabal and many in Democratic Party leadership. This is not to say Republican leaders are angels. Many are war-mongering agents of the deep state. These betrayers of traditional moral values are not your friends!
Please, precious children, think for yourselves. Don’t let the media manipulate you anymore.
Think logically. Does it make sense to defund the police? How can law and order be maintained if there is no one to maintain it? And do you really want an ever-increasing chunk of your paychecks going to pay for “gender changes” or abortions or fighting climate change? (I’ve got news for you: If the weather did not change, that would be something to be concerned about!)
Even if you aspire for Uncle Sam to fund good causes, remember that a government that is strong enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take away everything you have.
Turning the government into a vending machine is not what your grandparents fought and died for. They fought communism, fascism and socialism. Today, you are embracing the very philosophies we opposed and fought against.
We live in a bipolar political era. In my generation, it was the Democrats who embraced constitutionally protected free speech. Now they oppose it.
Since it can be confusing to know who stands for what anymore and why, let’s invoke a higher authority. Remember what Jesus said: “Goats on the left, sheep on the right.” And Jesus told Peter if he wanted to catch fish, try it from the right side of the boat. He did, and filled the boat. Ecclesiastes 10:2 says, “The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.”
Need I say more?
But it’s not what I have to say; it’s what is said in Scripture. We need our laws to mirror those time-tested guidelines rather than trying to reinvent the wheel in terms of everything “woke.”
Instead, I say, wake up!
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