Calgary, Alberta, says Derick Reimer is committing hate crimes.
Authorities in the Canadian city arrested the 36-year-old pastor for the third time in an eight-week period as a result of his protesting drag queen story hours aimed at children, according to Fox News. As a result, he spent Easter weekend in jail.
He was in the process of one of his protests on April 2 when he was arrested for outstanding warrants, the CBC said.
Reimer is accused of committing crimes motivated by hate, according to Calgary police. The arrest added eight new criminal counts against him, including criminal harassment and disturbance, and breaching earlier conditions of release from jail.
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A timeline regarding Reimer’s alleged activities compiled by Conan Daily indicated he went to a drag queen reading Feb. 25 at Calgary’s Seton Library and shouted “transphobic and homophobic slurs in front of children.”
The Conan Daily timeline made no editorial assessment of the children’s reaction to the drag queen presentation.
However, on Twitter, Oli London, author of “Gender Madness,” raised an opposing point as he showed treatment of Reimer compared to a trans activist who attacked “Billboard Chris,” a Canadian father opposed to transsexual mutilation of children.
Canadian Pastor Derek Reimer spent Easter weekend in jail after protesting against a drag story hour in Alberta, Canada. 🇨🇦
Rev. Reimer is now facing 8 criminal charges for protesting against children being in the presence of drag queens.
Meanwhile just weeks ago in Vancouver… pic.twitter.com/8IGkZSIj8O
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) April 11, 2023
Should pastors be exempt from “hate speech” laws?
Yes: 81% (26 Votes)
No: 19% (6 Votes)
On March 2, Reimer was arrested for the Seton Library confrontation and charged with criminal harassment and mischief. Jailed for several days, Reimer agreed to avoid LGBT individuals and activities.
March 15 Reimer was arrested for a protest at another Calgary facility, Signal Hill Library. He allegedly breached a condition he remain 200 meters from library drag activities and was again charged with harassment, disturbance, and mischief.
Freed on bail March 22, Reimer was to stay 300 meters from any LGBT-organized event and prohibited from interfering with such activities. But March 27 he appeared at an LGBT library reading and “made several derogatory comments and engaged in hate speech and harassing comments towards a manager and staff,” Conan Daily said.
Then came the April 2 incident when he was arrested for outstanding warrants and was accused of shouting hate speech at people involved in an activity at Saddletowne Library in Calgary.
Reimer pastors a street ministry called Mission 7. Another pastor, Artur Pawlowski, who knows Reimer and who himself received worldwide attention following repeated arrests and jailing for refusing to shut his church during COVID, told Fox News that the government has “open hatred toward Christianity.”
With child-aimed drag queen events proliferating in Calgary, Pawlowski said Reimer believed “God is calling him to expose that, to stand against that.
“I’ve warned Canadians for a very long time — and I’m warning Americans as well — that you will be ruled by what you tolerate,” according to Pawlowski. “If you tolerate corruption, you will be ruled by corruption. If you tolerate perversion, you will eventually be ruled by perversion.”