March 1, 2025
Left-wing "comedy" show "Saturday Night Live" continues to make former President Donald Trump the focal point of many of its skits even though he has been out of office for...

Left-wing “comedy” show “Saturday Night Live” continues to make former President Donald Trump the focal point of many of its skits even though he has been out of office for almost two years.

The show’s relentless focus on attacking Trump and the GOP while largely giving a pass to Democrats and gaffe machine President Joe Biden is a big reason its ratings (and relevance) have tanked in recent years.

In the cold open for SNL’s season 48 premiere, however, host Miles Teller mocked Biden’s apparently deteriorating mental health while doing an impersonation of retired NFL legend Peyton Manning hosting the “Manningcast” with brother Eli.

After a scene mocking Trump, Teller said, “I gotta point out, where’s the balance politically? They’re making Trump Columbus jokes, meanwhile Joe Biden’s lost his damn marbles. They’re not even going to mention that?”

The audience responded by falling into a conspicuous, awkward silence — seemingly stunned that a liberal would be mocked on the liberal show.


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Up until that point, the crowd gleefully howled at the countless jokes targeting Trump.

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Overall, the skit was not funny at all.

Numerous commentators have attributed SNL’s plunging popularity to its left-wing bias and obsessive focus on attacking Trump and conservatives.

Would you be more likely to watch SNL if it were politically balanced?

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In other words, get some new material. This schtick has gotten tired.

But the writers at “Saturday Night Live” apparently haven’t gotten the message. Perhaps that’s why the long-running show suffered the lowest ratings in its history in October 2021.

Many of us who used to watch SNL probably remember a time when it was funny. In recent years, the show has become another victim of the left’s toxic “woke” agenda.

Even young people — the show’s target audience — are getting turned off.

In November 2021, comedian Lou Perez slammed SNL in a commentary for Spiked.


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In lamenting “the sad, painful death of Saturday Night Live,” Perez wrote that this “once-brilliant comedy show is now lazy, unfunny and increasingly irrelevant.”

In October 2020, college student Romy Dolgin blasted SNL’s partisan bias, saying one-sided jokes just aren’t funny anymore when that’s your entire schtick.

At the time, Dolgin was a junior at liberal cesspool Harvard University.

“Begging audience members to vote for a specific candidate is not funny,” Dolgin wrote in the Harvard Crimson.

“Excluding Republicans from the joke doesn’t just narrow SNL’s audience,” she said. “Allowing a small group of joke writers to decide who’s allowed in popular culture creates further divisions in a country that’s already pulling apart at the seams.”

According to Dolgin, SNL had alienated scores of TV viewers with its mean-spirited hyper-partisanship.

“SNL has been beloved by Americans for decades,” she wrote. “But that means it has to be accessible to all Americans.

“Backing one political candidate and writing off the party you find inferior is none of those things. It’s the easy way out for people who don’t want to challenge their perspectives or reach outside their bubble.”

Comedian Rob Schneider, a former SNL cast member, shredded the show, saying all it does is indoctrinate its audience instead of entertaining them.

“It’s over. This is not going to come back,” Schneider said on “The Glenn Beck Podcast” in August.

“I hate to crap on my old show,” he said, but it has become a carbon copy of all the other liberal late-night talk shows — which are a dime a dozen.

“You can take the comedic indoctrination process happening with each of the late-night hosts and you could exchange them with each other,” Schneider said on Beck’s podcast.

“That’s how you know that’s not interesting anymore because … it’s not an independent voice anymore. It’s all just indoctrination by comedic imposition.”


Biden gaffes, entertainment, Hollywood, humor, Joe Biden, mental health, Saturday Night Live, television, US news, video, wokeness