March 4, 2025
A Mississippi school district has unveiled a new dress code banning students who identify as "transgender" from dressing in conflict with their biological sex. In its policy manual for grades 7-12, the Harrison County School District announced the following dress code for elementary, middle and high school students, WLOX-TV reported...

A Mississippi school district has unveiled a new dress code banning students who identify as “transgender” from dressing in conflict with their biological sex.

In its policy manual for grades 7-12, the Harrison County School District announced the following dress code for elementary, middle and high school students, WLOX-TV reported Thursday.

  • Boys and girls must follow the dress attire consistent with their biological sex that is stated in the student’s permanent record.
  • Boys must wear shorts or pants and shirts and footwear according to the dress code of the Harrison County School District.
  • Girls must wear dresses or skirts or shorts or pants and shirts or blouses and footwear according to the school district’s dress code.
  • Hoods on garments may not be worn indoors or on school buses.

The dress code includes a total of 30 rules that take effect for the 2023-2024 school year, which kicked off on Aug. 4.

By instituting the dress code, Harrison County School District doubled down on its recent decision to forbid a boy who insists he’s a girl from wearing a dress to his high school graduation.


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In May, a transgender student identified as “L.B.” filed a motion to compel the Harrison Central High School to let him to wear a dress and high heels to his school graduation.

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In a court filing, the school district underscored that walking in a graduation ceremony is not a fundamental right, especially since the boy already finished the school year and is therefore no longer a student.

“(P)articipating in a voluntary graduation ceremony when you are no longer a student and wearing a cap and gown and complying with the dress code you agreed to abide by, does not infringe on protected rights or justify extraordinary injunctive relief,” the district said in its filing.

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The district also pointed out that the boy’s school record identified him as male.

A federal judge appointed by former President Donald Trump upheld the district‘s decision and denied L.B.’s motion, which was filed by the ACLU of Mississippi.

The boy has also filed a lawsuit claiming his civil rights were violated because he wasn’t allowed to wear a dress at his graduation.

Tellingly, the ACLU did not support a 12-year-old boy who was reprimanded and sent home for wearing a shirt that read, “There are only two genders.”

Why was there no left-wing outrage over the suppression of his First Amendment free-speech rights?


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The truth is, the biggest problem in the United States isn’t whether a boy’s life is ruined because he couldn’t wear a dress to a graduation.

The problem with our educational system is that many schools are churning out students who can barely read or write.

Instead of educating children, schools have devolved into partisan bureaucracies that indoctrinate students with left-wing propaganda that fetishizes transgenderism and race-based “equity.”

Under Joe Biden’s dumpster-fire presidency, the nation is being roiled by crushing inflation, soaring crime, festering racial unrest, a destructive border crisis and rising geopolitical tensions that’s pushing us toward World War III.

These are real-life emergencies that threaten national security and public safety. A boy whining because he can’t wear a dress to a graduation does not — and should not — even register as a “problem” confronting this country.