March 9, 2025
You'd think that when "Saturday Night Live" announced that this coming week's episode would feature a comedy legend and a rap supergroup, what fans remain glued to the series would presumably be ecstatic. Instead, they were outraged -- all because said comedy legend stated the biological fact that a man...

You’d think that when “Saturday Night Live” announced that this coming week’s episode would feature a comedy legend and a rap supergroup, what fans remain glued to the series would presumably be ecstatic.

Instead, they were outraged — all because said comedy legend stated the biological fact that a man is a man and a woman is a woman.

Dave Chappelle, who rankled the left by stating that “gender is a fact” in a 2021 comedy special, will be helming Saturday’s episode along with musical guest Black Star, the rap supergroup comprised of Talib Kweli and Yasiin Bey.


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This would, ordinarily, be reason to actually watchSNL.” However, keep in mind that whoever has stuck with the institution is, at this point, expecting unfunny semi-comedians to feed them a particular brand of laugh-free agitrprop-lite.

Naturally, this crowd was enraged that someone who was hosting might, like, actually disagree with them on something.

Will you be watching the SNL episode with Dave Chapelle?

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It was a “[h]ard pass” for this commenter, and others made sure to performatively snub the show in similar fashion.


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Yes, she really brought out the “do better” line. That’s like the leftist version of “I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed.” You’d think that, in 2022, someone could, ahem, “do better” than that.

So, why does “SNL” need to “do better” than Chappelle? Why is he “transphobic”? For stating biological facts, of course.

“Gender is a fact,” Chappelle said during a routine in last year’s Netflix special “The Closer.”

“Every human being in this room, every human being on earth, had to pass through the legs of a woman to be on earth. That is a fact.

“Now, I am not saying that to say trans women aren’t women. I am just saying that those p****** that they got — you know what I mean? I’m not saying it’s not p****, but it’s ‘beyond p****’ or ‘impossible p****,’” he said, comparing them to meat substitutes.

Perhaps the vulgarity isn’t your sort of thing — but then, that’s not what anyone was complaining about. Black Star isn’t exactly the kind of thing that you play on the car ride to school with your 7-year-old, after all.

Instead, the issue was the kind of humorless scolds who demand that every comedian, every cultural institution agree with their every whim — particularly gender ideology, which has become sacrosanct to the left.

Heaven forbid “SNL” actually be funny. The only reason it exists, at least to the fans that remain, is to echo its viewers opinions. The moment it doesn’t, watch them walk away in a huff, triggered beyond belief — not because the show is laugh-free, but because it runs the risk of actual comedy instead.

C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he’s written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.

C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he’s written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).


Morristown, New Jersey


Catholic University of America

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