The polarizing and controversial $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill is getting the VIP treatment, apparently.
Fox Business White House correspondent Edward Lawrence reported that the bill is on its way to the St. Croix, which is where Biden is vacationing for New Year’s.
A White House Official tells me the Omnibus Bill is in possession of the White House. It has to be signed by Dec 30th. The Official says at some point it will be transported to St Croix for POTUS to sign to make the Dec 30th deadline. #POTUS
— Edward Lawrence (@EdwardLawrence) December 29, 2022
“A White House Official tells me the Omnibus Bill is in possession of the White House,” Lawrence tweeted. “It has to be signed by Dec 30th. The Official says at some point it will be transported to St Croix for POTUS to sign to make the Dec 30th deadline. #POTUS.”
The $1.7 trillion spending bill has understandably garnered quite a bit of attention lately — and not just for the exorbitant price tag slapped on the front of it.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, as it is officially known, aims to accomplish a number of things, but creating strange bedfellows was certainly not on the original list.
And yet, strange bedfellows is the only way you can describe Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (yes, that one) and Rand Paul, who are on the same side of opposing this bill.
The bill does cover a wide variety of issues, often drawing equal praise and criticism for any given aspect of the bill.
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There are aspects of the bill that aim to eliminate vaccine mandates for military servicemen and also to ensure that any prospective professional athletes that play for a military academy have to honor their military commitment first. The military will get approximately $858 billion as part of the spending bill, per The New York Times.
There is the seemingly never-ending flow of cash to Ukraine. The beleaguered country will get over $40 billion via the spending bill.
There are countless expenditures in the name of “climate change,” though some are upset that Biden’s commitment of “just” $1 billion to the cause is lacking.
Some on social media were quick to point out the apparent hypocrisy of a bill that commits a billion dollars to combating climate change … being jettisoned off to the Caribbean on a plane.
— Atticus Cringe (@trentgibbs87) December 29, 2022
Separate flight just for the bill. You know, because of climate change and stuff…
— NeVeRMoRe (@Bird_or_Devil) December 29, 2022
The bill includes other provisions, such as banning TikTok from all government devices, amending electoral college laws and another $40 billion in local disaster relief funds.
For what it’s worth, even if Biden signs the bill promptly while on Sandy Point Beach, there is a good chance much of the bill gets repealed or stripped down.
Agreed. Except no need to whip—when I’m Speaker, their bills will be dead on arrival in the House if this nearly $2T monstrosity is allowed to move forward over our objections and the will of the American people. https://t.co/WCC477R4IM
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) December 20, 2022
“[W]hen I’m Speaker, their bills will be dead on arrival in the House if this nearly $2T monstrosity is allowed to move forward over our objections and the will of the American people,” House minority leader Kevin McCarthy tweeted on Dec. 20.