February 1, 2025
As he neared his decision about running for the White House, amid a bevy of voices sharing their opinions, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina said there was only one voice he really wanted to hear from -- God. “I’d like to say there was like an...

As he neared his decision about running for the White House, amid a bevy of voices sharing their opinions, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina said there was only one voice he really wanted to hear from — God.

“I’d like to say there was like an audible voice, but I didn’t have one. But there was this impression on my heart that was really about peace,” Scott said, according to CBN. Last year,  Scott said he would only run if he felt God called him to do so.

Scott sought to define what he meant in Biblical terms.

“You know John 14:27 talks about the peace I give to you, not like the world gives to you, that I give to you, it was a combination between John 14:27 and 1 Peter 5:7 that you cast all your cares upon the Lord for He cares for you,” he said.

Scott recounted what took place on the night of his announcement.


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“About six o’clock, seven o’clock I was thinking about it, was feeling nerves and the butterflies, and finally I heard the Lord speak to my heart and say, ‘This is not about you, don’t confuse it,’” he said.

“‘You’re my vessel for this journey but it’s not about you, it’s about the American people who are starved for hope looking for opportunities, and want to protect this nation that they love,’” Scott said.

“I really felt like the Lord was saying remove ‘you’ from the equation and let’s just see what happens,” Scott said.

Scott said the moment further bolstered his optimism.

Would Tim Scott make a good VP?

Yes: 93% (472 Votes)

No: 7% (34 Votes)

“I’m very confident that he’s not finished with this nation yet and my hope is that we usher in a new wave of optimism and hope as we turn back towards faith, not just faith in the Lord Almighty, but faith in each other and faith in the future,” he added.

Scott said telling the positive side of America’s story is important.

“What I want to focus on is what America has done. That being the city on the hill that’s consistent with the Gospel is our responsibility and our future if we take ourselves out of it,” he said.

“We’re going to talk about restoring hope. We’re going to talk about creating opportunities. And we’re going to protect the America we love, and that’s going to start at our southern borders,” he continued.

Scott said the Bible remains a key pillar for his campaign.


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“I still believe in the goodness of America. That’s why I lean on, as I said in my speech, Ephesians 3:20, ‘God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or imagine.’ Let’s get back to believing each other and setting our sights so high it’s impossible for us to fail,” he said.

In his speech announcing his run for the White House, Scott struck a tone of optimism and unity.

“For those of you who wonder if America is a racist country, take a look at how people come together,” he said. “All of God’s people come together. Black ones and White ones, and red ones and brown ones working together,” he said, according to The Washington Post.

“I will be the president who stops the far left’s assault on our religious liberty,” he said.

Scott said there is a very pragmatic consideration in his refusal to demonize others in the crowded Republican presidential field, according to Fox News.

“I think the road to socialism runs right through a divided Republican Party. Everything we say about each other, the Democrats will weaponize against all of us, no matter who the nominee is,” he said.

“I’m going to focus on the real problem in America. The real problem in America is the feckless leadership of Joe Biden,” he said.