September 23, 2024
With the sham trial perpetrated against Donald Trump in New York having reached a verdict, many Americans are finally beginning to see that Democrats will do anything -- shady or not -- to win. One such person is actor Dennis Quaid who seems to have had the wool pulled away...

With the sham trial perpetrated against Donald Trump in New York having reached a verdict, many Americans are finally beginning to see that Democrats will do anything — shady or not — to win.

One such person is actor Dennis Quaid who seems to have had the wool pulled away from his eyes this month, and in an interview with British pundit Piers Morgan, the actor made an amazing announcement of who he intends to vote for in November.

Quaid appeared on “Piers Morgan Uncensored” last week and in a freewheeling interview, told the UK broadcaster that he is shocked over the brazenness of the Democrats who seem to be perfectly happy to destroy the U.S. Constitution in pursuit of political power, Newsweek reported.

The “Right Stuff” star had one thing to say about what he’s going to do about Donald Trump in Nov.: “I think I’m gonna vote for him.”

“I myself, I think — I think I’m gonna vote for him … in the next election. Yes, I am,” Quaid said.


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Quaid, who is starring in a new biopic of Ronald Reagan, added, “It just makes sense. I was ready not to vote for Trump until what I saw is more than politics, I see a weaponization of our justice system.”

He also said Democrats are a “challenge to our Constitution,” and continued saying, “Trump is the most investigated person, probably in history of the world and they haven’t been able to really get him.”

Quaid also perfectly explained the dichotomy of Trump and pointed out the facile nature of only focusing on his sometimes boorish behavior.

“Well, look, you know, I was in the last campaign and in ’16, you know, and in ’20, I found myself going, ‘Oh, please don’t do that. Please don’t say that.’ You know, it’s these things that come out of his mouth. But, as president, the only thing I liked about Trump was everything he did…he stands up to people, and that’s what makes him a leader,” Quaid explained.

Will Trump’s support continue to increase?

Yes: 99% (771 Votes)

No: 1% (6 Votes)

Some may say that Quaid — who delivered his comments before the verdict was delivered in New York on Thursday — got it wrong and that, yes, they did just “get” Trump. But that may be a premature assumption. Many legal experts have said that the former president should easily win an overturning of this verdict on appeal because the whole trial was filled with so many improprieties, Yahoo News reported.

This trial certainly won’t stop the former president from running for president this year, either. After all, there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that bars anyone with a criminal record from running for president, CNN reminds.

Experts also say it is unlikely that Trump would be handed any jail time, especially since he has no previous record and is a “first time offender” in this trial, Forbes wrote.

In fact, Trump won’t even be denied the right to vote. Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would make sure Trump’s voting rights are not denied, according to Politico.

Whatever happens with sentencing and appeals, though, Trump really hasn’t lost much if any support among his supporters. In fact, he had a record haul of donations in the day after the verdict came in.


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Enthusiasm for Trump and his campaign for president has surged without a hitch since his conviction on Thursday. He is at least as popular, and maybe more so, than he was before the verdict came in.

Even one of his rivals, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., warned that a guilty verdict and conviction will “backfire” on the Democrats and send Trump into greater heights of popularity.

Kennedy told Fox News that “there’s a large number of Americans who are going to see this as the politicization of, a weaponization of the enforcement agencies,” and added, “And I think it’s bad for our democracy.”

Granted we all won’t know for sure until Election Day in November, but many signs seem to show that Dennis Quaid and RFK Jr. are on the right side of the issues when it comes to the Democrat Party’s outrageous weaponization of the justice system. It seems destined to backfire and just could put Donald Trump right back in the White House.

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