March 4, 2025
Students in Canada appear to have secretly recorded a transgender teacher leading class while wearing grotesquely oversized fake breasts. In several pictures and videos reportedly taken recently at Ontario's Oakville...

Students in Canada appear to have secretly recorded a transgender teacher leading class while wearing grotesquely oversized fake breasts.

In several pictures and videos reportedly taken recently at Ontario’s Oakville Trafalgar High School, the teacher can be seen in front of kids in a classroom setting and operating shop class machinery in a dangerous and unprofessional manner.

The teacher, who just last schoolyear appeared as a man, is now calling himself Kayla Lemieux, according to Reduxx.

Pictures and videos of Lemieux have swirled around for days on social media, quickly going viral for the teacher’s cartoonish depiction of himself as a woman.

The pictures and videos, seen below, speak for themselves. Be warned — some things cannot be unseen.


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Lemieux seems to be leading a shop class in some of the videos, working the shop floor grossly costumed as a female. The teacher’s lack of skill is immediately apparent as he struggles to operate a saw and leaves his hair dangling free around the unforgiving machinery.

Other pictures show Lemieux off the shop floor, but no more suited for a classroom environment.


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According to investigative reporter Sue-Ann Levy, fake breasts like the ones worn by Lemieux can weigh as much as 35 pounds, and appear to be anything but an average accessory of the budding transgender.

Lemieux, who reportedly went by Stephen Hanna before declaring himself female, does not seem to be backing down from parading himself in front of children as a perverted distortion of a woman.

In an infuriating twist, the teacher’s transformation doesn’t appear to be a violation but a feature of the Halton District School Board’s “Gender Identity & Gender Expression in Schools” guidelines. Among other things, they allow Lemieux to openly manifest his delusions in front of unguarded children.

Should this behavior be allowed around children?

Yes: 1% (4 Votes)

No: 99% (612 Votes)

Any student offended by Lemieux is left with no choice: School policy dictates the pupils must play along with the teacher’s delusions and refer to him as a woman.

As for any young people lured into Lemieux’s lifestyle, the school has a solution for that as well: Allow their transformation while “restricting information” provided to parents, guardians or caregivers.

For most of these students, however, as evidenced by their immediate instinct to record the situation, this deception appears to be obvious.

While our Canadian friends have yet to rise up against this lunacy, the fight in the United States of America is well underway.

Lemieux’s drastic transformation makes him no more female than he was before. The size of his fake breasts does not correlate to womanhood, and no amount of confirmation from the school will make that stubborn truth budge.