Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin has been the talk of social media as well as non-traditional and establishment news. This is even before the interview has become available to the public, and it’s already making impact.
Conservative Americans, especially, should be extremely curious about Putin’s take on a variety of domestic and international topics, including the 2020 election as well as the war in Ukraine. The distrust millions hold for President Joe Biden, the Biden administration and, frankly, the entire United States’ government at this point, is undeniable.
Why I’m interviewing Vladimir Putin. pic.twitter.com/hqvXUZqvHX
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) February 6, 2024
The threat of what the interview could hold is also causing quite a stir among politicians in the United States and abroad, where a member of the European Parliament is seeking to sanction Carlson for the action, according to Newsweek.
Carlson is the first Western media representative to interview Putin since the Russian invasion of Ukraine started on Feb. 24, 2022.
Guy Verhofstadt, member of the Parliament and former Belgian prime minister, is requesting that the Parliament’s diplomatic arm — known as the External Action Service — take a look at the case, Newsweek reported.
He is accusing Carlson of being a propaganda promoter as opposed to an actual independent journalist. According to Newsweek, Verhofstadt called Carlson “a mouthpiece” of former President Donald Trump — as if Carlson can’t think for himself.
Verhofstadt ultimately wants a travel ban placed on Carlson in the EU.
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“As Putin is a war criminal and the EU sanctions all who assist him in that effort, it seems logical that the External Action Service examine [Carlson’s] case as well,” he said, according to Newsweek.
That sounds more like an excuse born of fear than a truly valid reason.
The left is okay with their people meeting with Putin, but if Trump or Tucker do it all hell breaks loose liberal heads explode and MSM, the propaganda arm of the democrat party condemns them for siding with a dictator total hypocrisy as usual. pic.twitter.com/NasPxSph8U
— Jericho (@JerichoXVI) February 7, 2024
What makes Carlson frightening to entrenched powers is that he boasts a massive following and has a record of rebuking the establishment. He also applies the same critical eye and face-value distrust for U.S. politics and global politics that many conservative Americans currently do.
In other words, he is uncontrollable, believable, and widely heard.
JUST IN: The European Union is considering imposing a travel ban against Tucker Carlson for interviewing Putin.
EU lawmakers are now furious that a journalist flew to Russia to do journalism.
They now want to slap Tucker with sanctions for “assisting” Putin.
“Putin is a war… pic.twitter.com/jUjEody4vp
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) February 7, 2024
This interview threatens to shine a spotlight on the entire narrative the deep state and Democrats have guarded so very well. This includes the war in Ukraine, in which Americans have funded billions to Ukraine with little accountability and amid stories of corruption in the Ukrainian government.
“Americans have a right to know all they can about a war they’re implicated in and we have the right to tell them about it,” Carlson said in a video posted to X explaining the rationale for the interview.
He isn’t wrong. And if no one has anything to hide, they should welcome the Carlson-Putin interview. So why the backlash?
Carlson states in his video: “We are not here because we love Vladimir Putin … We are not encouraging you to agree with what Putin may say in this interview, but we are urging you to watch it. You should know as much as you can.”
Whereas Carlson’s stated intention is to inform, his adversaries want to keep the world in the dark. That is the reason Verhofstadt and friends are screaming “fire.” I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden and the Biden administration didn’t tell him to.
According to Newsweek, “The EU’s External Action Service (EAS) is the bloc’s diplomatic arm, responsible for foreign policy. For an individual to be added to the EU’s sanctions list, evidence must be presented to the EAS for review. If deemed sufficient, the EAS can then present the case to the European Council—the body made up of EU national leaders—which takes the final decision on whether to impose sanctions.”
The sanctions would only apply to the EU.
Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has confirmed the interview has already taken place, according to Newsweek.
Carlson’s “position is different from the others,” Peskov said Wednesday, according to the publication. “It is in no way pro-Russian, it is not pro-Ukrainian. It is pro-American, but at least it contrasts with the position of the traditional Anglo-Saxon media.”
In his video promoting the interview, Carlson noted that it will be free on his new media platform, Tucker Carlson Network (TCN). He also said that X owner Elon Musk promised to share it on the social media platform in its complete and original form.
Undoubtedly, the entire world will be watching — including the likes of Guy Verhofstadt.