In a genuine double-take moment Thursday, Tucker Carlson casually lumped both the incumbent president and his top GOP rival as “too old” to run this country.
In a wide-ranging social media interview with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy, a number of political topics were brought up by Carlson, but perhaps none were as eye-catching as when the topic moved to former President Donald Trump — the man many Republicans view as having the best chance at taking back the White House from Democrat leadership.
Despite that, however, both Portnoy and Carlson offered up some surprising criticism of the former president.
You can watch the whole interview below:
WARNING: The following video clip contains language that some viewers may find offensive
Ep. 21 Dave Portnoy founded Barstool Sports and just completed the most impressive business transaction of our lifetime. He also just got into an epic fight and shared the video with us first. Watch. pic.twitter.com/W7AJ10kZni
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 31, 2023
The interview covered a variety of topics, ranging from Portnoy’s personal history with Barstool Sports (which he sold twice for hundreds of millions of dollars, and bought back for a dollar), pizza reviews and the country.
But it was the final two minutes of the interview where Portnoy and Carlson seemingly threw in some biting criticisms of Trump — while still heaping plenty of praise on the former president.
Is Trump “too old” to be president again in 2024?
Yes: 10% (83 Votes)
No: 90% (766 Votes)
“I thought Trump … should’ve done the debate,” Portnoy began. “Like, to me, if you’re voting on the president, you want to hear him debate. He’s brilliant. He’s the best to ever play the political game, so to become president — I think it was the right move not to do it, but for the betterment of the country, I think he should be on the debate [stage.]”
“I kind of agree,” Carlson responded. “I like the debates, personally.”
Of note, Carlson and Trump did a much-hyped interview in lieu of (and in direct competition with) the inaugural GOP presidential debate in August.
“I mean, how else [are] people going to decide?” Portnoy pointed out, before Carlson noted that the problem isn’t so much the debates as it is the “rotten and corrupt” news companies that run them.
After the two agreed that “the whole thing is rotten and corrupt,” Carlson quickly pivoted and asked Portnoy whether he thinks President Joe Biden will ultimately be the Democratic Party’s choice.
“Is Biden going to be the nominee?” Carlson asked.
Portnoy ultimately deflected, saying he didn’t know, because he’s not a political person.
The Bartstool founder did add, however: “I feel like there’s been a shift where, internally, maybe the Democrats don’t think [Biden] can win, and they’re setting the stage and [plan to nominate] somebody else. I think it’s crazy if he’s [the nominee].
“I mean, to be honest, I think both Trump and Biden are too old. I don’t you think should be able to be that old [and] be president.”
Carlson was nodding along with Portnoy’s assessment the entire time with a wry smile creeping onto his face.
“I agree 100 percent,” Carlson said, before Portnoy pointed out that Trump, despite his advanced age, is still far more “aware” than Biden — who was recently accused of falling asleep while speaking to survivors of the tragic Maui wildfires. (Liberal “fact checkers” later produced video to disprove that claim.)
Indeed, if the next general election does boil down to Biden versus Trump Part Two, regardless of who wins, America will be swearing in its oldest president in history during the next inauguration.
Carlson and Portnoy clearly agree that that should worry you — regardless of whether you identify as a Republican or Democrat.