March 4, 2025
In his seventh Twitter episode, Tucker Carlson predicted that the Democratic Party will launch a coup against Joe Biden, kick him and Kamala Harris off the 2024 ticket, and replace him with a radical leftist who is just as "ruthless." Carlson noted that Biden's slide into senility is accelerating rapidly...

In his seventh Twitter episode, Tucker Carlson predicted that the Democratic Party will launch a coup against Joe Biden, kick him and Kamala Harris off the 2024 ticket, and replace him with a radical leftist who is just as “ruthless.”

Carlson noted that Biden’s slide into senility is accelerating rapidly and that he is quickly getting to the point where his mental decline will be utterly impossible for the Democrats to ignore. In Tucker’s opinion, Biden doesn’t have four more years of lucidity left in him.

This means that the Democratic Party is going to have to push him into retirement. It also means getting rid of the universally hated Harris so that she won’t end up as the nominee or president.

There is only one politician waiting in the wings whom Democrats can substitute for Biden, Tucker says. And that one politician is California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

“The people who control Joe Biden — Susan Rice and the rest — know they can continue to run our government — writing the press releases, formulating the policies — and they can do it effectively forever as long as Joe Biden gets dressed in the morning,” Tucker told his nearly 9 million Twitter followers. “And, of course, that’s their strong preference. These are fervent opponents of change.


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“But the one thing these people cannot control is aging,” the former Fox News star continued. “Joe Biden is old. He’s 80 now. He’ll be 85 at the end of the next term. … When old people start to slide, they tend to slide fast. Joe Biden has begun that descent.”

“In a year or two he will be gone completely, and there will be no hiding it,” Tucker prophesied. “At that point, the Democratic Party will face a succession problem. If Joe Biden is re-elected next year and then forced to leave office during his term due to disability or death, that means Kamala Harris will become president of the United States. And nobody wants that, not even her husband.

“In real life, nobody likes Kamala Harris. That’s not an attack on her. In fact, it’s possible to feel pity for someone who’s so universally reviled,” Tucker explained. “It is instead an observation of unchanging physical reality like gravity or photosynthesis: Nobody wants Kamala Harris to be president. No one will benefit if she becomes president.

Will Newsom replace Biden on the Democratic ticket?

Yes: 62% (232 Votes)

No: 38% (141 Votes)

“So logic suggests there’s going to be a change. It’s going to have to be somebody else,” Tucker said. “And whoever that person is is going to have to enter the race soon — before the election, after Biden drops out. Who could that person be?

“We don’t know, obviously. This is all just guessing,” the commentator continued. “But we do know whoever that is will have to have two essential criteria. They’ll have to be as shallow, ruthless and transactional as Joe Biden is, and he’ll need to have flattery skills that are so polished and advanced they’d be considered superior even in the Saudi royal court.

“And there’s only one man in modern America who fits that description,” Tucker insisted. “Gavin Newsom, the governor of California and, perhaps not coincidentally, Joe Biden’s new closest friend.”

Tucker noted that Newsom recently said he was “mesmerized” by Biden. “Imagine saying that as a compliment. You couldn’t do it,” Tucker said of Newsom’s smarmy glad-handing. “Few human beings could do it. But Gavin Newsom had no problem at all. Those words rolled right off his forked tongue. He never stopped smiling.”


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“So if you’re looking for the leader of the coup, there he is right there,” Carlson concluded.

If you want to watch Tucker’s entire 12-minute video, here it is:

There has been a lot of talk about whom the Democrats will slide in as a last-minute replacement for Biden. The Western Journal’s own Floyd Brown, for instance, recently predicted that the Democrats will replace him with Michelle Obama.

Regardless, Biden’s mental decline is patently obvious, as a look at any White House transcript will reveal. The question is, will his party act before it’s too late?

The Democrats may yet allow Biden to run for a second term. But Tucker’s logic seems undeniable. They will have to replace him with someone who is mentally fit to hold office and who is backed by a vice president whom everyone doesn’t hate.