When leftists don’t get their way in American politics, they either protest, physically harm others or yell at the opposition. Liberal comedian Jon Stewart decided to go with the last option.
After 41 Republican senators initially blocked the passage of a veterans’ health care bill last week, the former “Daily Show” host screamed at conservative journalist and veteran Jack Posobiec over a misunderstanding of the latter’s stance on the legislation, the Blaze reported. The confrontation occurred in Washington, D.C., on Monday.
Video footage of the incident went viral on social media.
WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive.
Make up your own mind who is “in good faith” here or not. pic.twitter.com/P6cj3tntB5
— Raheem J. Kassam (@RaheemKassam) August 1, 2022
The video showed Stewart call Posobiec a “f***ing troll” while the latter attempted to conduct a calm conversation with the comedian. Posobiec repeatedly said, “I’m for the bill” in response to Stewart’s accusation that he was “not in good faith.”
The PACT Act promised to provide funding to aid veterans exposed to toxic burn pits, which the American military uses to burn trash. In the end, the bill passed with an 86-11 vote in the Senate on Tuesday, according to USA Today.
Journalist Raheem J. Kassam accompanied Posobiec during the whole encounter.
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So uh, @JackPosobiec and I went to speak with Jon Stewart outside the Capitol. Jack asked some pretty ordinary questions, and Jon began screaming in our faces for about 10 minutes. At one point he was nose to nose with me. I kept trying to calm him down. pic.twitter.com/5C9bxEXTAr
— Raheem J. Kassam (@RaheemKassam) August 1, 2022
Rather than talk to Posobiec and Kassam like a human being, Stewart immediately insulted them to their faces before getting all the facts about what his opponents stood for wrong.
Now, compare his angry behavior to the meek apology he offered shortly after the screaming rant.
We can make this bill a reality for every victim of the burn pits https://t.co/JQhVz6LESQ
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) August 2, 2022
Stewart must have realized he made a fool of himself on the internet by impulsively shouting at his political opponents. The comedian eventually found common ground with Posobiec in their mutual support of the bill.
Some social media users were glad to see the two, despite their political differences, work it out.
Jack, you are the man! I love that you’re out there bridging gaps and working together for our Vets. You could see John’s uncomfortable and he is tucking tail, BUT – it is amazing seeing you guys working together for the right reason!
— Those Folks 🇺🇸 (@TheseFolks) August 1, 2022
Others … not so much.
It goes without saying that if you apologize to Jack Posobiec, you are playing his game, @jonstewart — and giving him the validation he craves.
— Michael Edison Hayden (@MichaelEHayden) August 1, 2022
This heated exchange and following apology shows how conservatives and liberals should interact in the American political sphere — respectfully disagreeing with each other while avoiding a screaming match.
It takes a big man to realize when he was wrong — props to Stewart for recognizing that.