Left-wingers often claim that no one wants to take away your firearms, even as they pass laws to do just that. In Canada, the government is winding up another round of bans and a forced “buyback” program is in the work to ease the despotic measure.
But while gun owners in Canada are always at the whim of Canadian authorities, American gun owners are not entirely immune from these sorts of confiscatory campaigns as the Democrats continue to erode our right to bear arms day by day.
On Thursday, Canadian authorities unveiled a price list that the government will pay gun owners who turn in their newly prohibited firearms that came up forbidden under the country’s latest round of bans.
On May 1, 2020, Justin Trudeau’s government banned another 1,500 firearm styles and models that authorities claim are “assault weapons.” And owners have been required to hand over their guns to the local police. But authorities have found resistance to the demands, so a new buyback program has been devised to facilitate the ban.
Now, the government is offering set prices to gun owners who turn in their firearms. And it isn’t voluntary.
“It will be mandatory for individuals to participate in the buyback program, have their assault-style firearms rendered inoperable at the government’s expense, or otherwise lawfully disposed,” said Public Safety Canada in a statement, according to CTVNews.
For example, Canadian gun owners will be paid $1,337 to turn in an AR-15 or M-4 carbine, they will get $1,317 for a Beretta Cx4 Storm, $2,612 for an M14 rifle, $1,407 for a Ruger Mini-14, and the list goes on.
The government claims that the mandatory buyback prices are commensurate to what the firearms cost when new, before the ban.
This buyback is not being left to the honor system, either. If gun owners on the government’s gun registry are not marked down as having turned in their guns, the police will be sent to their homes and they will be forced to hand over their firearms.
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Americans are fortunate that the Founding Fathers enshrined the right to self-protection and gun ownership in the U.S. Constitution. It is a right that Canadians do not enjoy.
But despite the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court continues to rule that the Second Amendment is an individual right due to each U.S. citizen, the Democrats and their left-wing cohorts continue to salivate over the power to destroy gun rights that our neighbors to the north have over their people.
During the presidential campaign in 2020, for instance, Joe Biden signaled his support for a similar buyback idea as a means to confiscate America’s guns.
Biden and Kamala Harris endorsed gun confiscation as a means to disarm Americans who don’t have the luxury of heavily armed security. On their campaign website, they said they hoped to rid the world of “assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”
“Biden will also institute a program to buy back weapons of war currently on our streets. This will give individuals who now possess assault weapons or high-capacity magazines two options: Sell the weapons to the government, or register them under the National Firearms Act,” the website said.
Indeed, in a 2019 interview, Biden admitted that he was coming for America’s guns when CNN host Anderson Cooper asked him, “So, to gun owners out there who say, well, a Biden administration means they’re going to come for my guns?”
“Bingo. You’re right, if you have an assault weapon,” Biden energetically exclaimed. “The fact of the matter is, they should be illegal, period.”
He then went on to outline a mandatory “national buyback program” to “get them off the street.”
Biden ally and perennial Texas candidate for one thing or another, Beto O’Rourke, has also floated a mandatory gun confiscation program. In 2019, the then-candidate for president said that, like Biden, he would also implement a mandatory gun buyback program to take away America’s guns.
And back in 2017, Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said that a national gun buyback program was something “worth considering,” HuffPost reported at the time.
While Biden’s fantasy national confiscation program has not been implemented, other places have tried the tactic. Only two months ago, for instance, Sacramento, California, implemented a “buyback” program to convince gun owners to turn their guns in for a credit card to buy gasoline.
Still, not every U.S. government is willing to put up with this anti-Second Amendment campaign to take away guns. In 2019, North Dakota legislators filed a bill that would flat-out ban buyback programs in their state, the Associated Press reported. A few months later, the bill was passed into law.
The fact is, the Democrat gun plan is not to ban particular firearms because they are supposedly so dangerous. It is to continue banning firearm models one at a time to get to the point where they can ban them all and end civilian ownership of guns entirely. And if it wasn’t for the perspicacity of our Founders, the left would have taken away our right to self-protection long ago.