October 26, 2024
Bellevue, Washington, police officers arrested city resident and pro-abortion activist Maeve Jacqueline Nota on "suspicion [of] a hate crime and assault" on Tuesday. Angry over the Supreme Court's reversal of...

Bellevue, Washington, police officers arrested city resident and pro-abortion activist Maeve Jacqueline Nota on “suspicion [of] a hate crime and assault” on Tuesday. Angry over the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, Nota allegedly smashed two glass doors and spray painted the entrance of the St. Louise Catholic Church and attacked an employee of the church.

In a second Twitter post, the BPD reported: “The graffiti painted on church walls and artifacts was anti-Catholic. According to the RCW [Revised Code of Washington], a hate crime includes acts that ‘Defaces religious real property with words, symbols, or items that are derogatory to persons of the faith associated with the property.’”

In the video below, posted by Seattle-based radio host Jason Rantz, Nota can be seen smashing the doors and spray painting graffiti on the outside wall of the church.


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According to Rantz, the BPD alleged that, upon arrest, Nota “busted up a police cruiser.”

Below are several photographs of the damage.

Rantz learned from the King County Prosecutor’s Office that Nota “refused to leave her cell and go to court — meaning defense can’t argue for bail.”

Shortly afterward, he reported that “Nota waived the right to appear, but the first appearance judge found probable cause for a hate crime and malicious mischief.” He added that prosecutors were awaiting additional documents from BPD investigators before they could file felony charges.


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The left’s reaction to the Roe decision illustrates key differences between liberals and conservatives.

The Supreme Court did not criminalize abortion. It simply returned legal authority over abortion to the states.

The incendiary rhetoric and disinformation that’s come from Democratic politicians has only exacerbated the situation. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Rep. Maxine Waters of California come to mind.

After a leaked copy of the Supreme Court’s draft opinion in the case was published in early May, the protests began.

Hoping to get one of the Court’s conservative justices to change their preliminary decision, the far-left group “Ruth Sent Us” organized protests in front of their homes. Their website displayed a google map with pins revealing each of their addresses.

Will the Kings County district attorney actually do his job and prosecute Nota?

Yes: 0% (0 Votes)

No: 100% (2 Votes)

Although it is illegal to protest in front of a judge’s home, Attorney General Merrick Garland, the top law enforcement official in the U.S., did nothing to stop it. He refused to do his job.

Weeks later, a man traveled to Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland home armed with a gun, ammunition and tools to break into the house. This man told police he had planned to assassinate Kavanaugh.

Pro-abortion activists also vandalized pregnancy centers in some states.

Last week’s final ruling on Roe triggered a new round of protests throughout the country, some of which turned violent.

KTLA reported that a protester allegedly attacked a police officer with a “makeshift flamethrower” late Friday night in Los Angeles. He was part of a group that was throwing makeshift weapons, including fireworks, at the officers.

This infantile behavior is something we’ve come to expect from the left.

And sadly, it’s condoned at the top.