Entertainment is a medium that many people have long believed should fall outside the sphere of political and religious influence.
Entertainment in 2022, however, is increasingly being used to push agendas on those who believe they are simply consuming harmless amusement.
Ironically, the word “amusement” broken down literally translates as “without thinking.”
People who are consuming entertainment are often doing so with their critical thought shields lowered, thus exposing themselves to the normalization of propaganda.
The Paramount Plus show “The Good Fight”– a spin-off of the “The Good Wife” — is one such example of supposed “entertainment” taking advantage of its viewers with its propagandist messages. In fact, it completely eschews what most people want (not having politics in their entertainment) and instead completely engorges itself on leftist nonsense.
The writers of “The Good Fight” decided to end their latest season with a flamboyantly gay character’s disturbing accusation involving Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
WARNING: The following clip includes content that some viewers may find objectionable
Lets the smears begin. Final episode of @TheGoodFight on @ParamountPlus has client claiming @GovRonDeSantis sexually assaulted him. “He invited me onto his staff. Little did I know what he meant by staff….and forced me into oral sex.” Have DeSantis DNA “stain.” #thegoodfight pic.twitter.com/961T7MP0nu
— Brent Baker 🇺🇦 (@BrentHBaker) November 10, 2022
Will this only boost DeSantis’s popularity?
Yes: 93% (26 Votes)
No: 7% (2 Votes)
The accusation on the show involved the absurd claim that the fictitious gay character had been sexually assaulted by the widely popular conservative governor during an internship.
The season finale eventually revealed that the gay accuser had manufactured the incident to further a political agenda involving a plot to put Trump ahead in the 2024 polling numbers.
The show, clearly written by leftists, has a penchant for going after anyone who they deem to be a threat to monolithic Democrat rule.
Not so long ago, the show writers specifically went after Donald Trump.
The same show made a concerted effort back 2019 to ensure Donald Trump was mentioned and even threatened.
As Breitbart notes, “The Good Fight” official Twitter page posted a since-deleted tweet that included an an image from an episode that displayed a list of “target words” including: “Assassinate,” “President” and “Trump” in one column and a second that started with the words: “Mar-a-Lago” and “Eliminate.”
While producers of the show claimed these words were taken out of context, the recent FBI raid on Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago suggests that the echo chamber inhibited by the establishment media and Democrats might be louder than anyone thought.
Many viewers of the show called for a Secret Service investigation into the episode for the alleged illegal threats.
Now the show has appeared to set some of its sights on DeSantis, as it actively attempts to portray a potential presidential contender as a rabid sex offender.
And while the show did eventually delete that wildly offensive tweet about assassinating President Trump, make no mistake about where they stand on Trump.
This tweet isn’t exactly subtle:
BOOM 💥 #TheGoodFight pic.twitter.com/VayDN5Ki8H
— The Good Fight (@thegoodfight) November 11, 2022
While calling “The Good Fight” mindless drivel would be too kind a description, it might be worth keeping tabs on it to get a litmus test for who the deranged left is most concerned about competing with during election cycles.
This season finale seemed to prove that they are growing increasingly concerned with Ron DeSantis as a credible threat to the Democrats in 2024.