March 4, 2025
It might have been a hit for "The View" audience, but for most normal Americans, it was too much information. During a discussion Monday about the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump on charges related to classified documents in his Florida home, co-host Ana Navarro evidently had only one...

It might have been a hit for “The View” audience, but for most normal Americans, it was too much information.

During a discussion Monday about the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump on charges related to classified documents in his Florida home, co-host Ana Navarro evidently had only one way to describe her sensations while taking it all in.

And it wasn’t exactly the cold hard analysis of a turncoat Republican campaign strategist.

“I haven’t had this much fun reading anything since I read ‘Fifty Shades of Grey,’” she said, drawing laughter and applause from the crowd. “I mean, this was the best reading you can imagine.”

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She went on to discuss the various failings of the Mar-a-Lago bathroom facilities where documents were allegedly stored — and they were clearly not up to the Navarro standard.

“People, have you seen that toilet?” she said as a picture of the fixture flashed up onscreen. “They don’t even sell those low-to-the-ground toilets anymore.” For what it’s worth, she also thought the Kleenex box by the sink without a cover was gauche.

It’s possible Navarro’s taste in bathroom decor is superior to her taste in literature. That first comment surely has more bearing on the Democratic fetish for attacking Trump.

Was Navarro’s comment over the line?

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For those who somehow missed it, “Fifty Shades of Grey” is a 2011 novel by E.L. James, the pen name of the British author Erika Mitchell.

The first of a trilogy, it details — seriously details — a relationship between a man and a woman that’s billed as a romance but basically involves a great deal of sexually charged bondage and pain.

Well, hey, Ms. Navarro is welcome to whatever gets her through the night. (And it’s probably just a coincidence that the character who is driven to heights of ecstasy by being subjected to exquisite pain is named Anastasia Steele — “Ana” for short.)

But it’s telling that one of the regulars on the hour of inanity known as “The View” — a talk show all but explicitly in service to the Democratic Party — not only likens her reaction to the latest pursuit of Trump to sexual pleasure but uses porn-as-literature to do it.

For the vast, vast majority of anti-Trump Americans, the hatred and scorn poured on the 45th president by the confluence of entertainment and politics has become an end in itself, a bizarre kind of gratification.


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Of course, the malevolent brains behind the operation know full well that they’re committing an assault on the constitutional order the Founders established — the Merrick Garlands, the Clintons and Obamas, Joe Biden before, say, 1 p.m. some days.

But for the rest, there’s really no explanation but a warped sort of pleasure and sense of belonging, with little understanding of the alternatives, and even less interest.

Nowhere in the country is the Democratic Party stronger than in the inner cities, where it is directly responsible for the decline in living standards, rising crime, and disgraceful public education that’s dooming new generations of urban dwellers, largely minorities, to a life of underachievement.

But in election after election, emotional appeals to race and an increasingly distant past win the day.

One of the Democratic Party’s strongest voting blocs is educated women — a demographic whose members are regularly debased by progressives as a privileged class of “Karens,” worthy of no real consideration or respect.

(It’s not a coincidence that one of the biggest targets of the current transgender mania is Title IX protection for women’s sports — one of the crowning achievements of the women’s equality movement in this country. Progressives have learned they can victimize women with impunity.)

And election after election, they turn out for Democrats because of emotional appeals to sexual freedom and the “choice” to destroy a human being in the womb.

In short, there’s no real reason for a self-respecting, thinking American to support Democrats, but millions and millions do.

For those at the top — the ones getting elected in politics and becoming ludicrously wealthy in business — it’s about power. For those below, it’s about emotion.

Navarro is closer to the top financially and in terms of social status, but that crack about “Fifty Shades” probably means she’s a lot closer to the bottom in terms of her actual motivations. And as a former Republican strategist rubbing elbows with leftists on a regular basis, she probably gets more than her share of self-abasement.

Unfortunately for Democrats, but fortunately for the future of the country, not all Americans are masochists.

Republicans — very much including Donald Trump — are going to have to prove that in 2024.