A former United States president, a hybrid rap/rock/country star, an ex-Fox News host, and the CEO of the world’s most prolific MMA organization walk into Madison Square Garden…
No, that’s not the beginning of some horrifically convoluted joke, but rather a snapshot of the raucous scene in New York City when Donald Trump, Kid Rock, Tucker Carlson and Dana White collectively sauntered into “The World’s Most Famous Arena,” for UFC 295 on Saturday night.
Adding to the surreal, pro-wrestling nature of this entrance, the star-studded quartet came out to Kid Rock’s 2000 smash hit, “American Bada**.”
(In a fun, little ironic twist, that Kid Rock song was the same entrance theme used for a bit by WWE legend The Undertaker — the same man whose own entrance once gave WWE superfan Donald Trump a smidgen of stage fright.)
Take a look at the rock star-like entrance for yourself below (courtesy of a Tucker Carlson who seemed genuinely ecstatic to be there):
WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive.
Tonight at UFC fights at Madison Square Garden pic.twitter.com/Jj3Ga5oSgo
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) November 12, 2023
There are a few key things to point out in the above clip.
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First and foremost, there may have been four bona fide stars coming out together in that clip, but it’s hard to argue that one doesn’t stand head and shoulders above the others.
Notice the crescendo of the roar of the crowd coincided with the first sight of the former president’s trademark bronzed hand wave, as well as one fan audibly shrieking in the clip, “That’s Donald Trump!”
Trump is, no matter how much his staunchest critics want to deny it, a legitimate rock star — even when standing next to a literal one.
Second, and perhaps just as noticeably, say what you will about UFC crowds leaning more conservative than your average sporting event crowd, but it can’t be understated that Trump received this rousing ovation in New York City.
If there’s a beating heart of the East coast, far-left lunacy, it’s New York City.
And Trump, the likely GOP presidential candidate come the 2024 general election, just got that impassioned of a response there.
That does not bode well for the incumbent president.
Third, in case any critics were ready to dismiss this as a one-off… it’s literally not.
When Trump showed up at UFC 290 in July, he received such a loud ovation that it even left the announcers grasping to describe it.
Now, it is fair to point out that Trump has long engendered strong support with UFC, its fans, and its stars.
Would he receive the same rousing reception at, say, a Golden State Warriors home game? Probably not.
But it would also be remiss not to point out that NBA fans generally lean far further left than any other sports league.
UFC, by comparison, is a much more representative cross-section from all across the ideological spectrum. Throw a rock in a UFC crowd (please don’t actually) and you’re just as likely to hit a crazy leftist loon as you are a staunchly conservative patriot.
Which is all to say: Dismiss Trump’s supernova popularity at your own peril.
The man — whether you like it or not — simply resonates with the masses.
That’s great news for Republicans come 2024. And pretty dire news for the Democrats.