Surely, by now, you’ve heard about Trump’s controversial Mar-a-Lago dinner.
Last week, Trump reportedly had dinner with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and the rap mogul Ye (formerly Kanye West). Apparently, the dinner was regarding the latter’s 2024 presidential campaign.
Although the dinner has been covered ad nauseam, one aspect of it remains grossly underreported — It was all a set-up.
Fuentes and fellow fringe-right provocateur, Milo Yiannopoulos planned the event in order to sabotage Trump politically.
To a certain degree, their plan worked.
“I wanted to show Trump the kind of talent that he’s missing out on by allowing his terrible handlers to dictate who he can and can’t hang out with,” Yiannopoulos, who claims to have been “the architect” behind the dinner, told NBC News.
“I also wanted to send a message to Trump that he has systematically repeatedly neglected, ignored, abused the people who love him the most, the people who put him in office, and that kind of behavior comes back to bite you in the end.”
Trump later confirmed via Truth Social that he had no idea who Fuentes was at the time. He agreed to the dinner simply out of courtesy to Ye.
Do you think Ye needs medical help?
Yes: 92% (79 Votes)
No: 8% (7 Votes)
Since the dinner, media outlets have been covering the story non-stop, suggesting Trump’s newfound association with Fuentes is yet another example of the former president supposed flirting with racism.
It also needs to be added that both Fuentes and Yiannopoulos want to destroy Trump and the Republican Party. They’ve made this abundantly clear with their past rhetoric.
In 2020, Yiannopoulos, a former Breitbart editor, vowed to “BURN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY TO THE F**KING GROUND” and said he felt “utterly betrayed” by Trump while also swearing “vengeance,” The Advocate reported
Similarly, Fuentes — known for spouting off racist and antisemitic ideas — began attacking Trump after the latter thoroughly disavowed white supremacy and white nationalism following the 2017 Charlottesville riots, as shown by a video unearthed by Louder With Crowder on Tuesday.
“Yeah, for him to disavow white supremacy is very cucked and blue-pilled. Totally wrong,” Fuentes said.
But how did Yiannopolis and Fuentes pull off this political attack? By taking advantage of a mentally-ill celebrity whose life is clearly falling apart.
It all started with the downfall of Ye.
The Fall of Ye
In 2019, Ye became a rising star in Christian-conservative circles thanks to “Jesus Is King,” a beautiful album that showcases a surprising depth of theological knowledge and faith in Christ.
It wasn’t just because of the album, though. Ye also took a principled stand against Black Lives Matter and was one of the few (perhaps the only) mega-famous celebrities to very publicly show support for former President Donald Trump.
While many on the Christian right were enthused that a man as famous as Ye had changed sides in the culture war, others were hesitant to embrace him. Young people, even Christians, can be quite fickle.
In 2016, the artist was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which explained his long history of manic episodes, poor decision-making and exaggerated sense of self-confidence. Ye refused to take medication following the diagnosis, claiming the meds curbed his creativity.
In recent weeks, Ye’s mania took a drastic turn for the worse when he began calling out “the Jews.”
Over time, his comments on “Jews” escalated from what could have been excused as observations (Jews are overrepresented among the agents, players, and business people that Ye believes to have wronged him) to the straight-up defense of Nazis and Adolf Hitler and denial of the Holocaust during an interview with Alex Jones on Thursday.
In an analysis from The Washington Post, various mental health experts speculated that bipolar disorder may have had an outsized impact on this rhetoric (albeit at least one expert remains unconvinced).
Since his very first tweet about “the Jews” Ye didn’t just lose a business deal or two: he’s lost nearly everything, perhaps rightfully so. According to Salon, Ye has been removed from the Forbes billionaire list thanks to lost partnerships with JP Morgan Chase, TJ Maxx, the fashion house Balenciaga, GAP and Adidas.
In addition, he’s been suspended from Instagram and Twitter, had an appearance on HBO’s “The Shop” canceled, had his music removed from the Peleton cycling playlist and was escorted out of the offices of Sketchers in recent days.
It’s at this point that people need family and friends, a support system to fall back on. It appears Ye didn’t have any of that. Quite the opposite, in fact. As all this controversy began ramping up, Ye’s personal trainer, Harley Pasternak, threatened to have him “institutionalized again,” torn away from his children and forced to take drugs so powerful they place him in “Zombieland forever.”
This is all according to the since-deleted text messages released by Ye. If he was considering seeking out medical help before, he certainly isn’t now.
It was at this time that the rap mogul let the two worst possible influences into his life: Fuentes and Yianopoulos.
The pair used him to successfully harm Trump and arguably by extension, the GOP. Presumably, the three’s association continues to this day.
Ye needs help.
Instead, two bad actors with perverse agendas are using his mental illness to their advantage in order to destroy Trump’s chances at a second term in the White House.