March 9, 2025
A town in New Hampshire just set a new standard for the new normal. In an era where distortions of sexual reality has become commonplace -- supporters of Lia Thomas making a mockery of women’s athletics for instance, or Sports Illustrated sporting “transgender women” in its previously iconic swimsuit issue...

A town in New Hampshire just set a new standard for the new normal.

In an era where distortions of sexual reality has become commonplace — supporters of Lia Thomas making a mockery of women’s athletics for instance, or Sports Illustrated sporting “transgender women” in its previously iconic swimsuit issue — it might seem like even the outrage is getting old.

But along came a pageant in Derry, New Hampshire, to take things to a new low.

In a betrayal of good faith, good sportsmanship and good sense, the Miss Greater Derry Scholarship Program last week crowned 19-year-old Brian Nguyen its winner for 2023. It was an undeniable win for Nguyen and the small circle of dismayingly deluded individuals who think overweight men compare favorably to lithe young women in evening gowns.

For the sane segment of humanity, however, it was a time for utter disbelief.


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Obvious aesthetics aside, the young women here were competing in a contest they had every right to believe they had a chance of winning, and a contest specifically designed for their age and their sex.

As it turns out, they’d clearly been defrauded.

It’s surprisingly hard to find coverage of the Greater Derry Disgrace outside conservative media and the scholarship program’s Facebook page and seemingly impossible to find a justification for the decision, so the only way to judge the judges here is with the naked eye. And in this case, that’s more than enough.

Should Nguyen’s crown be stripped and handed to a female?

Yes: 100% (878 Votes)

No: 0% (3 Votes)

It’s worth noting here that the Greater Miss Derry competition, according to its website, operates “within the guidelines of the Miss NH and Miss American Organizations.”

“The Miss Greater Derry Scholarship Pageant is a preliminary event to the Miss NH and Miss America Pageant.”

Maybe. But it seems like someone has missed the point.

What exactly possessed the pageant to besmirch a quarter-century tradition of providing scholarships to “young women between the ages of 17 and 24 living in the Greater Derry area recognizing their outstanding achievements in scholastic aptitude, talent, character, community service and poise …” by naming as winner a contestant who obviously flouts the very first criterion of being among the “young women” of Greater Derry?

Maybe it was the way Nguyen’s eyes lit up with that oh-so-bewitching charm that made him a winner over his competitors?


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Was it the careless poise of his pose? The alluring way he turned to face the camera, the fetchingly girlish brawn of his right shoulder peeking like a lumberjack’s tease between his sash and the garnet of his gown?

Or was there some other element of personal magnetism and innate charm that put him head and shoulders above the flowers of New England’s young womanhood with whom he shared the stage?

(Besides the fact that he literally is head and shoulders above them.)

Let’s just say it was a good bet it wasn’t his legs (smart of Nguyen to go with the full length-gown, a man has to know his limits).

And — beyond the ideology-blinded — it wasn’t popular on social media at all.

Again, it’s been difficult to find anyone from the Greater Derby Scholarship Program to defend the decision — a miscarriage of justice like this deserved much greater news attention.

(The Western Journal has reached out to the contest organizers for comment.)

But it’s damn near impossible to imagine any standard the decision could satisfy other than caving to the rule of the contemporary mob.

Considering this is the world where medical professionals — men and women literally sworn to “do no harm” — talk openly about mutilating minors, where “drag queen story hour” is not only tolerated but actually welcomed about by liberal school administrators, and where the transient principles of the “transgender” movement are treated as gospel, it’s sadly not surprising that a women’s pageant has been won by a man. But it’s still infuriating.

Because what’s happening here is a sham. A con meant for public consumption — and the only ones who pay a real price are the young women being hurt.

This is no particular slam on Mr. Nguyen. He’s young. He’s either been deluded into thinking that pretending he is a woman actually makes him a woman, or he’s been convinced that he has every right to try to win a scholarship that was never meant for him and that he has every reason to expect he’ll be awarded it.

A better man would know better, of course, even at the age of 19. But a better man wouldn’t be wearing dresses and trying to win a tiara in the first place. With any luck, Nguyen will grow out of it.

The enablers at the Miss Greater Derry Scholarship Program are a different story.

They’re doing Nguyen no favors by pretending his sense of entitlement is justified. They’re certainly doing no favors to the young women who competed in good faith for a scholarship only to lose out to a patently unqualified competitor.

But they are contributing their part to New Hampshire and the country: a new example of a new standard for a new normal in the Brave New World of the woke.

And a revoltingly low new low.