Staff Sergeant Ernest "Ernie" Horsfall from Preston in Lancashire, England, is an extraordinary man. On Friday, he turned 105 -- but that isn't the only astounding feat he has accomplished. He served in WWII with the Army Ordnance Corps and then the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. He was in...
Staff Sergeant Ernest “Ernie” Horsfall from Preston in Lancashire, England, is an extraordinary man. On Friday, he turned 105 — but that isn’t the only astounding feat he has accomplished. He served in WWII with the Army Ordnance Corps and then the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. He was in…
Staff Sergeant Ernest “Ernie” Horsfall from Preston in Lancashire, England, is an extraordinary man. On Friday, he turned 105 — but that isn’t the only astounding feat he has accomplished. He served in WWII with the Army Ordnance Corps and then the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. He was in…
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