

December 22, 2022

It’s time to have a set of solutions to counter the emotional bullying of leftist gaslighting ghouls before a tragedy takes place.

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Playing defense to every leftist emotional exploitation of tragedy has seen the pro-freedom right steadily lose ground in the defense of individual liberty, the time has come to change all that.  We need to advance solutions that work instead of just serving to deprive the people of their commonsense civil rights.

What if we tried something different?  What if we “had a conversation” about the issue outside the emotional hysteria of tragedy?

What if we put forward a series of measures designed to truly solve the problem instead of having one side use the issue as a cudgel against our commonsense civil rights?  We need solutions that would solve the problem, that couldn’t be dismissed by the usual talking points.

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Thus, we have five freedom-based solutions to the criminal violence problem that don’t infringe on the people’s individual liberty — solutions that work instead of acting as incremental moves to gun confiscation.

1. Get rid of gun-free zones.

Gun control and gun-free zones are based on the absurd idea from the left that if no one has a gun, no one needs a gun.  Except that when these inevitably fail because criminals don’t obey the law, the excuse is offered that this happened because guns came in from the surrounding areas.

Innocent people are thus being deprived of their commonsense civil rights under a false pretense: that you will be safe and won’t need a gun because no one else will have one.  

The problem is that the gun-grabbing ghouls contradict themselves with this “logic” because there will always be a surrounding area that can be a source for firearms.  (They can’t seem to explain this with island nations like Australia, New Zealand, or the U.K. — are dolphins smuggling AR-15s?)  Thus, the only solution is to simply stop depriving people of their rights and let them deter crime themselves.

2. Make sure that some people are carrying and everyone knows it.