March 6, 2025

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As the weeks marched on in the 2024 presidential campaign, the rhetoric emanating from the Ruling Class continued to plumb new depths in crassness and incivility.

As the weeks marched on in the 2024 presidential campaign, the rhetoric emanating from the Democrat Party and legacy media wing of the Ruling Class continued to plumb new depths in crassness and incivility. In the past week, led by their loathsome ventriloquist dummy, Kamala Harris, they have made the entire focus of the campaign the vile accusation that Donald Trump is not only another wannabe Hitler, but he will follow in Hitler’s footsteps by seizing dictatorial power, imprisoning Americans in concentration camps, and committing genocide.

This loathsome cabal is also accusing his supporters, which includes me and nearly half of the American population, of being mindless Nazi stooges who willingly support a megalomaniacal despot in-waiting in his determination to be the next Hitler.

While the Democrats have casually bandied the Hitler comparison in previous campaigns, they have never before sunk to these depths. In their insatiable need to permanently seize and control the levers of power in Washington, D.C., the Democrat Party and legacy media alliance within the Ruling Class has resorted to this all-consuming maniacal tactic as they are facing defeat at the hands of their despised political adversary.

These mindless comparisons to Hitler and the Nazis are a vile insult to and a denigration of the memory of nearly 40 million people who died in Europe during World War II and the 60+ million displaced and relegated to refugee camps and mass unmarked graves. None of the reprobates within the Democrat Party and the legacy media who so glibly throw around these comparisons have the slightest conception of the experiences of those who were there.

Virtually all of these despicable denizens of the human race have seen faded and grainy black and white films of ashen faces staring into a camera; or pictures of emaciated children begging for food; or newsreels of lifeless bodies strewn across a field. They have comfortably seated themselves in plush movie theatres for two hours, watching a cosmetic Hollywood portrayal of the War. As if they were no more than a series of pixels on a screen, these images are quickly ignored and forgotten as these egotists go about their execrable lives in a singular pursuit of power and status.

<img alt captext="PxHere” class=”post-image-right” src=”” width=”450″>But those of us who survived those days as well as the war’s aftermath do not have that luxury. Our experiences haunt us every hour, day and night.

This ongoing and unprecedented level of Hitler and Nazi comparisons is a constant reminder of those bleak and desperate days of unfathomable brutality and disregard for life when one’s goal was to simply survive for another day.

In 2016 a friend of mine in Israel, who as a child survived Auschwitz, passed away. A few months before his passing, we talked about the worsening crisis in the Middle East and what it portended for the West. Among the points of conversation was the fact that mankind, because of an inability to control its base nature, never learns any lessons from the past.

One of the statements Abe made that has stuck with me through the years are “You and I, along with the few others that remain have seen the evil that permeates men’s souls. But we will soon be gone. Who will be there to remind the world of the evil that was and how it came to be?” That lesson can only be learned if the people and events of those times are not diminished by using them for mindless political fodder and demagoguery.

In reality, Donald Trump is the antithesis of Hitler. If he exhibited any of the despotic traits common among the tyrants of the Twentieth Century, I would not have voted for or supported him over the past eight years. In fact, I have often thought how different the world and my life would have been if Donald Trump had been the President of the United States and Winston Churchill had been the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the 1930s.

The American people who support Trump are the also the antithesis of the Nazi sympathizers in pre-World War II Germany. Unlike the German populace in the early part of the Twentieth Century, the majority of Americans are steeped in a love of liberty, respect for life, and a belief in America’s founding documents. They are unwilling to go down the disastrous path the Marxist-inspired Ruling Elites have laid out for their country.

On behalf of the untold million who died and suffered at the hands of Hitler and the Nazis, I call on this vile element in our society to grow up and permanently stop using these invidious comparisons with Hitler and the Nazis. It is the equivalent of a three-year-old throwing a tantrum when they cannot get their way.

The 2024 election campaign has revealed that the majority of American people do not want a one-party socialist oligarchy in near-permanent control of the government and no amount of juvenile name-calling will change that reality.

Image: PxHere

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