March 4, 2025

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AT via Magic Studio

Like most hypocritical bullies, Baldwin becomes enraged when he receives what he usually serves to others. 

In his Rules For Radicals guide for activists, social democrat Saul Alinsky cited ridicule as an effective weapon to antagonize opponents.

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

The ‘comedians’ on TV have been following this rule to peddle their propaganda since the days of Reagan. But their desire for a big audience prevented them from going too far.

The emergence of cable TV ‘comics’ such as Jon Stewart during the late 90s changed the game, Stewart focused on the liberal demographic who tuned in to have their bias confirmed.

Times have changed and there is little difference between the viewership of free-to-air and cable TV. Since they no longer get a massive audience on mainstream TV, the ‘comedians’ at night and over the weekends are now adopting the Jon Stewart formula of focusing on a niche liberal audience. Their prime target for ridicule is President Trump.

All through Trump’s first term, the following occurred:

First, the ‘brains’ in Washington contrived a scandal or a hoax

Then the Democrat propagandists masquerading as journalists amplified the hoax using overstatement and blatant fabrication. Late-night comics also used the same tools but attempted to disguise it as humor.

Finally, on “Saturday Night Live” Alec Baldwin and his ‘comedian’ accomplices would ham to the hilt in various mean-spirited, poorly authored, abominably made ‘comedy sketches.’ 

It was obvious that SNL’s goal was not to entertain but to brainwash those who don’t consume the news. Previously on SNL, you could imagine the likes of Reagan and Bush being able to see the funny side of their caricatures. George H.W. Bush was friendly with Dana Carvey, who lampooned him on SNL. It wasn’t always Republicans who were targeted. Even Bill Clinton was mocked during his sex scandal. Entertainment was still the primary goal.

During the Baldwin era on SNL, it was apparent that the goal was not just to peddle propaganda but to cause offense. You could sense that their ultimate fantasy wasn’t an audience laughing uncontrollably but rather to enrage, traumatize, and/or upset President Trump, his family, and his supporters. It was apparent that the creators and performers of these sketches were hateful and sanctimonious.

Baldwin even claimed that Melania Trump loved his caricature. In his twisted mind, he was driving a wedge between the couple.

This is why comic genius and SNL alumni Norm Macdonald said that Baldwin’s rude caricature of Trump was terrible comedy. Baldwin’s revolting act emanated from hatred and it showed during his act when he looked as if he was plagued by a migraine.

As expected, Baldwin was celebrated in the echo chambers of the Democrats.

A lot has happened since Baldwin disgraced himself on SNL.

Bullets from Alec Baldwin’s gun ended up shooting and killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins while he was filming the movie Rust in 2021. Baldwin also ended up orphaning a young child.

Instead of displaying remorse, Baldwin went to TV and tried to portray himself as a bigger victim than the cinematographer who had perished as a result of his recklessness.

<img alt captext="AT via Magic Studio” class=”post-image-right” src=”” width=”450″>When Hutchins’s husband launched a wrongful death lawsuit against Baldwin, he claimed he was accustomed to being sued by the likes of Hutchins, implying that the Hutchinses were attempting to extort money from him.

In his defense during his trial, Baldwin even blamed the victim, claiming that it was Hutchins who told him to cock the gun that ultimately fired a live round of ammunition, resulting in her death.

Baldwin was then released from all legal responsibility in a strange turn of events involving apparent prosecutorial incompetence followed by an overreaction from the bench, with the judge dismissing the case “with prejudice” for reasons difficult to understand. Baldwin now cannot be retried.

What’s happening with Baldwin now?

Baldwin has been part of many appalling films that only receive digital releases.

He is also the star of his reality show imaginatively titled ‘The Baldwins.’

The show is so appalling that even critics who are usually liberal and who usually fawn over everything Baldwin does are ripping it apart, with only 14 percent of critics approving of it on Rotten Tomatoes. Audiences aren’t liking the show either. It earned 2.1/10 on IMDB.

It’s so bad that the only publicity Baldwin is getting is due to his involuntary participation in a mockumentary-style comedy skit on the streets of NY. Baldwin was given a taste of his own toxicity by comedian Jason Scoop, who is a Trump impersonator. In the video, Scoop dressed as Trump and imitating the President’s rally voice approaches Baldwin outside his New York home while he loads luggage into a vehicle.

“It’s your favorite president,” declares Scoop, referencing Baldwin’s caricature of Trump on SNL

“Look, Alec, I will offer you a total pardon, because I want to be friends, right? I want to be friends. I will give you a total pardon for murdering that woman if you kiss the ring.”

Scoop even offered his ring finger to Baldwin, repeating: “Kiss the ring, Alec.”

Scoop continues while Baldwin ignores him: “Alec, if you don’t want that pardon for murdering that woman in cold blood, you can call it first degree, you can call it whatever you want, but it was not good. She’s looking down on me right now, smiling, happy. ‘Thank you for confronting the man who took me out, who killed me.’”

Eventually, Baldwin loses his temper, as he always does, displaying his true colors,

He threatens the comic with “If this camera wasn’t here, I’d snap your f***ing neck in half and break your f***ing neck right here. You know that, don’t you?”

This statement is most revealing. Baldwin was always known to have anger issues — he even left a viciously abusive voicemail for his 11-year-old daughter calling her a “thoughtless, little pig.” But this remark proves that Baldwin isn’t opposed to murderous violence in response to verbal utterances. He restrained himself because he was on camera. This is a disturbed and perhaps even dangerous individual who has engaged in violence in the past.

Baldwin even mentioned his children, saying “You realize my kids live in this building? I want you to know something. I want you to be real careful.”

Scoop was doing to Baldwin exactly what he did to Trump, albeit on a smaller scale. The only difference is that Scoop is funny.

But like most hypocrital bullies, Baldwin becomes enraged when he receives what he usually serves to others. He even used his children as an excuse to avoid the pain. Baldwin never really cared about the impact his hateful caricature would have on Trump’s young child. Barron was just around 10 back then, and Trump’s grandchildren were of a similar age.

Scoop responded to the incident by posting another hilarious video, where he claimed to be chased by Baldwin’s screaming wife Hilaria. Scoop, speaking as Trump, calls Hilaria a ‘not a bad-looking woman’ mentions that she pretended to be Hispanic despite not having any Latino heritage, adding that he won big among Hispanics.

Hopefully, this cycle will continue, because Scoop is funnier than any of the mainstream comics and captures the essence of Trump in his impression without being hateful.

It’s always good to see villains, especially real-life villains such as Alec Baldwin, receive their deserved comeuppance for treating people badly. It helps that Scoop is outrageously funny.

It would be funnier if Trump reposted the clip.

Perhaps Gutfeld can make him a permanent contributor to his show.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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