January 22, 2025

Photo Credit:

White House

One fine day our liberal friends are going to wake up and realize that they are the bad guys. But it won't be soon. 

One thing that our liberal friends know is that they are the good guys. Because Change. Because Justice. Because fighting white racism. Because equality.

One fine day our liberal friends are going to wake up and realize that they are the bad guys. But it won’t be soon. It won’t happen until the current regime of the educated class is long gone, and already replaced by the Next Regime.

But if you have eyes to see and ears to hear you already know what is going on. The Old Regime that believed it was going to save the world with politics is being challenged by a new movement, usually characterized by the cognoscenti as far-right extreme-right far-white Literally Hitler.

But don’t expect our liberal friends to have a clue about this. Not for decades.

In fact, of course, the populist nationalist movement that is busting out all over from, shall we say, “Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic,” not to mention Clacton, UK, and Butler, Pennsylvania, is a movement of the ordinary middle class, that just wants to live an ordinary life without the ideological frenzy of lefty wokism and the biggest government that taxes and debt and central banking can conjure up.

As you know, on Saturday, July 13, 2024, a day that will live in infamy, Donald Trump proved the existence of God by miraculously dodging assassination at a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Our liberal friends are shocked, shocked, that after the attempted assassination Trump immediately jumped up, clenched his fist and roared “Fight Fight Fight.” Other, cooler, hands observed that you can only tell what a man is made of when he’s just dodged a bullet and finds he is still alive.

Frankly, I don’t care if the attempted assassination was prompted by years of liberals whining that Trump was a far-right dictator who is Literally Hitler or by America’s insane gun culture, or some other fashionable nonsense our regime media churns out every week.  To me, the events of 7/13 are a symptom of a bigger issue, that the rule of the educated class over the last century has not benefited the ordinary middle class. As Mao wrote:

Changes in society are due chiefly to the development of the internal contradictions in society[.]

And the internal contradiction in our society is that, despite nonstop assertions from political intellectuals about Change and Justice, the current unjust <img alt captext="White House” class=”post-image-right” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/america-after-butler-pa.jpg” width=”450″>regime in the United States and elsewhere benefits only the educated class that lives off government and education and regulatory sinecures, and the sick entertainment of activism.

Thus we see across the world various populist nationalist movements arising to challenge the rule of the educated class. Go figure.

I believe the fundamental problem is that the educated class believes a fantasy that politics is the means to justice and the resolution of wrongs.

On the contrary. I say that politics is the seed of war and conflict: the more politics, the more killing, the more misery.

And I say this as someone familiar with Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt.

Wat? How could anyone think that an evil Nazi had anything to teach us? Well, I do. So there.

Unlike Caesar, who divided Gaul into three parts so that Katharine Hepburn could one day play Eleanor of Aquitaine, Schmitt divided the world of the mind into four parts:

  1. The aesthetic, which is about the beautiful and the ugly.
  2. The economic, which is about the useful and the useless.
  3. The moral, which is about good and evil.
  4. The political, which is about friend and enemy.

Cutting across all this is Power. But that is another story.

Now, I think the best way to understand how politics works is to imagine every politician raising high his standard, and calling to his supporters: follow me, and I will lead you to victory against the enemy! A politician doesn’t have to understand this: it’s just instinct.

If you felt a rush when you first saw the iconic photo of the bloodied Trump raising his fist under the war banner of the United States, you know what we are talking about. Of course AP’s Jill Colvin doesn’t like it. Not one bit.

But if, dear Jill Colvin, you don’t like the bloodied Trump and war banners, you need to do your bit to dial down the politics because, as Curtis Yarvin writes, “there is no politics without an enemy.” And where silly media girls have made Trump into an enemy, because mean tweets, sooner or later some dumb 20-year-old is going to follow the Zeitgeist and shoot someone.

Trump or no Trump, I prophesy that our future is the populist nationalism of the ordinary middle class, the ordinary people that want to live an ordinary life without the fake wars of Ukraine, climate, gender, safety, and harm ginned up by the unjust and increasingly fatuous educated class.

Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill runs the go-to site on US government finances, usgovernmentspending.com. Also get his American Manifesto and his Road to the Middle Class.

Image: Trump White House

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