January 22, 2025
It's not a good look for a country to be run, overtly or covertly, by a man with this kind of mental state.

Although not a psychologist, I nevertheless convinced thousands of trusting souls to open their mouths (and wallets) for needles, drills, forceps, foul tastes, strange smells, not-good vibrations, and bills beyond imagination for more than forty years.

And after the obligatory formalities and a couple jabs of the ol’ Novocain had been dispensed with, I’d sit, patiently waiting for profound anesthesia, and provide free psychoanalysis to my patients.

I’d listen carefully — most times — and then, no matter what the patient’s problem was, I’d say, “You have a problem with congruity.”

“Congruity” is having the things you think and deeply believe match up with your actual words and actions.  Most people fall short of absolute congruity, but the smaller the gap, or “schism,” between your talk and your walk, the happier and more fulfilled you are.

And the bigger the schism, the more troubled, angry, and unhappy you are.

With that in mind, who could possibly be more conflicted, disturbed, or downright resentful than the man currently sailing our ship of state into a stone jetty at about ninety knots?

Joe Biden, you say?

No, silly!  He’s not running anything, except maybe his mouth when he’s occasionally allowed to.

Watch the recent video of Crusty Joe trying to eat his dinner at the execrable White House Correspondents’ Dinner.  He’s zoning out on the person talking to him.  He struggles to move salad from the salad plate to his dinner plate.  He then loses interest in the salad and strains mightily to rip a small dinner roll in two, finally transferring half the roll to his dinner plate.

He then loses interest in both the roll and the person animatedly yapping at him, and attempts, ever so slowly, to bring a forkful of greens up to his quivering mouth — a meeting so perilous that it recalls one of the perilous outer space hookups needed for the successful Apollo 11 mission.

No, poor old Joe isn’t running things now, nor was he back when he was “elected” and still had two neurons to rub together.

It’s always been Barack Obama.

Barry O’s the puppet master who’s been running the show for fifteen years now, eight overtly and seven covertly, leading the Deep State efforts against sitting President Trump and later telling senile Joe exactly what to say on notecards and teleprompters.

And who could be more schizoid than the Lightbringer?

He tells the world, as the self-proclaimed first black president, that Whitey is inherently and systemically racist, whether he knows it or not.  And meanwhile, Barry’s half–white supremacist himself!

Imagine hating half of yourself for the sins your distant forefathers may or may have not committed against distant relatives of your other half.  Terribly confusing, no?

And in a love letter, young Obama tells a girlfriend that he feels androgynous and that he “makes love to men daily, in [his] imagination,” a sentence no heterosexual man has ever written, at least in recorded history.  This certainly explains Barry’s love for the LBGTetc. movement, but not his attempt to sell the American electorate on a presidential candidate ostensibly deeply in love with a woman.

And imagine pretending to the American public that you’re a devout Christian, and then saying that the adhan, the Islamic call to prayer, is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth.”

It’s certainly all right to love Islam and feel that way about the adhan, but why pretend you follow Christ?  And what is it with Obama sending pallets of hard currency under cover of darkness to Iran, the leading sponsor of terror in the world and the people ultimately responsible for October 7?

Christians certainly don’t hate Jews, with whom they share beliefs written down in the Old Testament.  Why does Obama?

The schism between what Barack Obama says he is and what he really is is enormous.  He must be miserable.

He carries on incessantly about the environment and global warming and then buys three mansions with an enormous carbon footprint, one a Hawaiian oceanfront property.  Obama either thinks he personally did stop the rise of the oceans, in which case he’s delusional, or he never worried about it in the first place, in which case he’s a liar.  Which is it, Barry: delusional or liar?

“The One” also claimed that he was president for all people, both in blue states and red.  And then he promptly sicced his CIA, FBI, IRS, and State Dept. — and our vile, supine mainstream media — on President Trump and his followers.  He demonized Christians, whites, males, heterosexuals, the pro-life movement, and above all MAGA-supporters.  No uniter, he.

Obama has habitually harangued the wealthy, pushing them to pay more taxes and asking them, when is enough enough?  But his socialist veneer has worn thin, now that he and Michelle are multi-multi-millionaires.  Barry must lie awake at night, in one of his mansions, wondering when exactly enough is enough.

Poor Obama — so narcissistic, neurotic, and incongruent.  Such a nowhere man, making all his nowhere plans, desperately hoping DJT won’t be re-elected.  He’s black, he’s white, he’s gay, he’s straight, he’s Christian yet loves Iran and the adhan, he was president of the USA for eight years and yet he hates and has often apologized for his country.

He alone makes the sad dried up turnip in the Oval Office’s mouth move and spew socialist venom, even as he, B.O., pretends to care about democracy.  After fifteen years of King Barack’s either overt or covert rule, America has been brought to her knees.

It appears Obama’s psychotic, self-hating persona has permeated the U.S. public’s consciousness (see For Palestine, Jews or Gays).  After this November, either hardworking, God-fearing, patriotic Americans will be running this country, or it will be a deeply conflicted Barack Obama, 21st-century schizoid man.

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Image: Ari Levinson via <a data-cke-saved-href=" ari by-sa captext="

Image: Ari Levinson via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0 (cropped).

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