March 12, 2025

Photo Credit:

AT via Magic Studio

A single obstacle stands between Trump and victory. That's electoral cheating.

It can’t actually be said that the either the Butler assassination attempt or Joe’s bugout upended the 2024 campaign. That had already largely occurred by the second week of July.

Every last effort against Donald Trump by the progressive establishment and their Deep State and bureaucratic allies had collapsed by that point. The lawfare campaign miscarried completely, generating sympathy for Trump and anger against his tormentors. The Supreme Court’s decision in Trump V. United States put an end to that chapter and cleared the way for Donald Trump’s next move. Judge Aileen Cannon’s dismissal of Jack Smith’s demented records case is simply icing on the cake. (Even though Jack, fulfilling Santayana’s second great quote, refused to accept it.)

Biden’s debate performance – if that’s the word I’m groping for — brought the situation into focus in a manner not often seen in politics. What most of us have known for some time – that SloJoe can’t be relied on to safely use a crosswalk, much less run a country – landed before the public with reverberations echoing across the country.

The fate of the Basement President was already clear. The historical wrong of 2020 was going to be righted, by the most definitive mean – the voters. Then came the Butler shooting.

What the shooting did was put the seal on in the most stunning political comeback in the historical record. With that attack, and in particular his undaunted response, Trump stepped from history into legend. The image of Trump with his fist held high while the flag flaps above him is a vision for the ages. This event will be recounted as long as there is a United States, and nothing can diminish it. Trump is no longer an outcast. He is a mythic figure. He is the Little Tailor beating all comers, no matter how overwhelming or terrible. He is Aeneas, Yojimbo, the Man with No Name, returned from exile scarred and battered but even more implacable on reaching his goal.

This performance by Trump is absolutely astonishing. No other visible political figure could have pulled off anything to match it. Targeted by virtually the entire American establishment, Trump has outlasted them all. Others subjected to much less severe ordeals have collapsed and been swept off the public stage. (Who has heard from Scott Walker lately?) But Trump stands, if anything, more popular and acclaimed than ever before. It is an achievement out of ancient myth. Trump will have earned his place in the historical record for this effort alone.

The ascension of Kamala as combination messiah and girlygirl BFF has pushed the needle of this dynamic not one iota

A single obstacle stands between Trump and victory. That’s electoral cheating.

By now, there is little question that massive cheating occurred in 2020. To deny it is an admission that you’re either a Democrat or a writer for NRO. Even Brad Raffensperger, the World’s Most Flexible Republican, admitted at last that there something funny going on, by gosh and by golly – long after it was too late to do anything about it.

Nobody debates this fact. Trump’s worst enemies simply change the subject or insist that “investigations” have “disproven” it. (They haven’t — there were never any official investigations. These claims are based on recounts of already tainted ballots.) Unofficial inquiries such as those carried out by True the Vote and recounted in 2000 Mules tell a much different story.

We hear claims that a stolen election is inevitable — that the fix is in, that nothing can stop it, that nothing has changed, the GOP made no effort to prevent it. This is merely an expression of standard conservative defeatism. It would have been nice if this hadn’t transferred itself to populist conservatism, but that may have been too much to hope for.

In truth, plenty has been done. Nearly 500* laws reforming electoral procedures have been passed nationwide. The threat these pose to the Dems can be gauged by the fact that the deeply corrupt, Democrat-dominated Supreme Courts of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have set aside two such laws passed by state legislatures, dealing respectively with drop boxes and absentee ballots. As for the GOP, since Lara Trump has taken over the RNC, she has concentrated much of her efforts on programs intended to stop and expose electoral cheating at all levels. To this we can America PAC, Elon Musk’s tech-centered superPAC, which has pledged to earmark large amounts to combat electoral fraud. Over the past two weeks, Texas AG Ken Paxton has begun several initiatives into assuring an honest vote (no wonder they tried to railroad him). The Supreme Court restored an Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship for voters. In Pennsylvania, the courts have banned the practice of “curing” ballots – fixing up ineligible ballots after the have arrived. (It’s true that California has banned all forms of voter ID, but hey, that’s Cali. We’re lucky they didn’t appoint Charley Manson election commissioner.)

One thing we know about 2020 is that mail-in ballots played the major role. It’s often forgotten that Donald Trump had won the election by the time the polls closed. It wasn’t until late in the evening when GOP poll workers were sent home, the windows were blocked, and the cops called in to finger their pistols and glare at poll watchers that the absentee ballots started appearing from the 8th dimension, where SloJoe Biden is the most popular man in the historical record, and threw the election to the Dems.

Before the election, with COVID acting as an excuse, a mammoth effort occurred in a number of swing states to liberalize the rules governing absentee and mail-in ballots –- actually, “abolish” is probably the more accurate term. The window for mail-ins was expanded, checks of signatures, addresses, and so on were set aside, disqualifying errors were to be ignored, and in some cases mail-ins postmarked after the elections were counted.  In Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Wolf spearheaded this effort, expanding mail-in ballots while illegally ignoring the fact that election laws were the legislature’s responsibility. Christine Whitmer of Michigan and Phil Murphy of New Jersey did much the same. In all, 28 states changed their laws to assure a larger role for mail-in ballots.

<img alt captext="AT via Magic Studio” class=”post-image-right” src=”” width=”450″>So what about 2024? One thing we can be sure of is that the Dems, and their various allies and financiers, will not hesitate to use the same methods. They may well have done so in 2022. Will the new laws and GOP efforts be enough to forestall his? We can’t be certain. (One thing for sure — nobody is going to swing in with a magic algorithm to save the day at the last minute. It just doesn’t exist.)

Movement conservatism always counseled use to wait until the wise and experienced political operatives appear to fix things. Too much of this attitude has leaked into populist conservatism. This has to cease. The grassroots need to take things into their own hands. What, after all, does “populism” mean?

We might want to steal some methods from police auditors. For those who haven’t kept up, auditors are activists who use the power of the internet to keep tabs on corrupt police officers, showing up at scenes of police activity to record events and confront cops who are abusing individuals or ignoring constitutional rights. They have been extremely successful at exposing corruption and changing policy in a number of departments.

So what’s to stop us from using their methods to confront election fraud?

Consider drop boxes. 2000 mules clearly exposed how these were abused in 2020. So here’s what we do: we station people in view of the drop boxes. Then, when at three or four in the morning (the witching hour, when nothing good happens), a little college girl with purple hair appears with a bushel basket full of ballots, you approach her. Don’t accost her, don’t threaten her. Just shine a bright light on her, and standing ten or more feet away, filming every second, ask who she is. What she is doing. Where did she get all those ballots? What outfit does she work for? Names? Are they in the office now? Has anybody gone over election law with her? Does she know the penalties?

You can read the pertinent law to her, just to make certain that she understands. You might want to hand her a copy (maybe have a girl close to her age do it, so she won’t be afraid).  Now, does she want to deposit those votes? Is she sure about that? Maybe she should discuss it with her bosses back at the People’s Gaian AntiFascist Committee for Social Justice. After all, she’s the one who will be arrested for voter fraud – not them.

After that, the script writes itself. You send those videos straight to the local election board, your department of state, the FEC, local media – not to neglect the Trump campaign, both state and national. You put it on Rumble, on Vimeo, and on YouTube. You inform local authorities. And above all, you inform the responsible NGO itself.

As they say, when the bright light flicks on, the cockroaches scatter.

Then you take the next step – confront the organizations themselves. Walk in there with a posse – demand to talk to the heads of staff. Have the video available and show it to them. Ask them to explain it. Ask where and how they’re getting those votes. You vid this also, needless to say. Take plenty of footage everybody present. If possible, coordinate with local media, unlikely though it may be that they’d show up.

Rinse and repeat as many times as necessary.

But they’ll call the cops, you say? Of course they will. What of it? They can’t arrest you. The worse that can happen is that you’ll be trespassed. If the cops show up, fine. Explain the situation to them and see what they do about suspicious electoral activity. As for yourself, tell them they need to treat you as a political activist protected by the First Amendment.

As an aside, I should mention that few if any of these outfits are honest. I once spoke with a staffer at a local Green outfit to get a picture of what they did and how they did it. As he wrapped his explanation up, he added, “Of course, this is an election year, so later on we’ll drop everything else to support Obama.” (For those of you who don’t know, 501 C3 nonprofits are forbidden from engaging in any direct political activity such as electioneering.)

If a reasonably energetic conservative activist contingent is available – though that may be too much to ask – it might be worthwhile to actually picket their offices. Have a good-sized group show up featuring signs, chants, etc. Address passersby and ask their opinions, Once again, video everything. If the cops show up, the more the merrier. The same treatment can be given to election offices, county clerk offices, Democrat headquarters, candidate campaign office, rallies, etc.

Similar efforts can be aimed at local electoral and Democratic officials. Track them down, confront them, demand to know what they’re doing about voter fraud in their jurisdictions. You’re likely to get some interesting answers to put online.

Such efforts have gained importance now that VP Roundheels is running. There has been no end of hysteria since the Basement President quit, all of it from the usual suspects on our side (defeatism has been the Achilles Heel of conservatism since early days). But a clear-headed examination of the status quo tells us otherwise.

We have a giddy, not-too-bright female with zero charisma and personality, a shady personal history, and an inability to string common English words into sentences alongside a valor stealing, drunk-driving, pedo-enabling refugee from Fargo. Against this we have Trump, with a new gravitas and a much higher stature. No longer the loud and brazen Queens developer but something else, something more, something we haven’t seen in a long time.

Under these circumstances, the Dems will have to cheat. They have no alternative. They are, yet again, trying to put another moron into office, something that can’t be achieved by standard, accepted practice. That means a return to the proven methods of 2020

But it’s no longer 2020. Things have changed, and it’s no longer going to be easy. It’s our duty to make it as difficult as we can. So pull on your comfortable boots, slip a new Scandisk chip into the recorder, and go out amongst them. We have nothing to lose but overpriced spices. We have a world to win.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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