March 19, 2025

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Beginning in 2008, things might have gone very differently and our situation even worse than the one in which we found ourselves in 2020.

On the morning of Donald J. Trump’s second inauguration, the former- and soon-to-be current president, along with his wife Melania, stopped by the White House. Awaiting the Trumps’ arrival were the current residents, Joe Biden and his wife Jill. When Trump first got out of the limousine, before his wife came around from the other side of the car, Biden greeted him with the words, “Welcome home.” In what seemed to be a rare lucid moment for Biden, one got the impression that Joe was expressing the idea that he had been house-sitting—or, some might say, squatting—in the White House for the past four years.

Many Americans were, and still are, extremely upset over the outlandish and unlawful shenanigans that transpired back in the 2020 election that were designed to keep Trump out of power for another four years. The proof of the rigging and stealing of the election was overwhelmingly obvious to many, and not just to the tens of thousands who marched to “Stop the Steal” on January 6, 2021.

Several of those Senators and Representatives inside the Capitol that day, Ted Cruz chief among them, were presenting their case to delay certifying the 2020 presidential election results until tangible evidence of election tampering could be examined. The drama that ensued outside the Capitol and was soon permitted to flow inside and into the inner chambers appears to have been orchestrated to divert America’s (and the world’s) attention away from the steal—and the evidence of that steal, to this day, has never been subjected to any official deep-dive.

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YouTube screen grab (edited).

Even though he was no longer in control of power, Donald Trump spent the four years following the 2020 election enduring incredibly spiteful attacks, all spearheaded by Democrats, the Deep State, the Far Left, and RINOs in his own party. But Trump stood tall, both literally and figuratively. Many have observed that his rising up from the platform in Butler, Pennsylvania, after an assassin’s bullet missed his head by a quarter of an inch, was the moment the former president sealed the deal marking his return to the White House.

Trump’s enemies made him a living legend. And at that moment, he became unbeatable; the election was now “too big to rig.”

God did not just spare Trump’s life by providing a clear-cut miracle; He also revealed how He works throughout history through individual lives. At least two scriptures immediately come to mind:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)


And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14 NIV)

In his inauguration address, President Trump acknowledged God’s hand in sparing his life to “make America great again.”

But why did God wait so long? Couldn’t Trump have brought greatness back to this country by completing back-to-back terms in the White House?

Hindsight, as they say, is always 20/20. However, in 2020, the powers that be had been hampering Trump’s first term and shackling, wherever they could, his plans for success for the country. Trump would have limped into his second term and, as a lame-duck president, been unable to accomplish his noble goals.

In the four years that followed, Joe Biden’s—or, more likely, his handlers’—incompetence overall became all too apparent as they bungled one national or international crisis after another. Add to that the blatant idiocy of the choices to fill administrative roles, including among the many some guy in a dress to head our Health and Human Services Department and another dude more interested in paternity leave than handling our previous supply-chain crisis. It took forty-eight seemingly interminable months for most Americans to begin to awaken from this insidious woke madness.

But awaken we did. And when the sleeping giant wiped the sand from its eyes, it was “mad as hell and not going to take this anymore”—to echo newscaster Howard Beale from that prescient 1976 film, Network.

Some would say that what’s happening now, and with lightning speed, is that Trump is doing a one-eighty on the catastrophe known as “the last four years.” When you get right down to it, however, the Biden Administration was really the continuation of the Obama years.

When Barack Obama beat out Hillary Clinton back in 2008 to become the Democrat party nominee for president, America may have been spared a worse fate than we have today. Consider this: What if Hillary Clinton had been the nominee in 2008 and had gone on to win the presidency?

Most likely, not only would she have served two terms, but the country would have then been primed for an even more seasoned Barack Obama to “make history again” by becoming America’s first black president. Obama would have served two terms—bringing us up to the 2024 election. After a full sixteen-year reign, all the madness and behind-the-scenes control of our elections would have guaranteed that no Republican—not even a fire-breathing real estate tycoon and television celebrity—could have tackled and toppled the Deep State establishment.

But after Obama’s eight years, citizens rethought the idea of voting for the first woman president; maybe that wasn’t so glamorous or earth-shattering of an idea after all. America was ready for a common-sense leader again, not a wishy-washy figurehead.

As a side note, it appears that, at least for now, Barack Obama’s wind and impact have been laid to rest with the events of this past election. But that diminished influence may be short-lived. Can a resurgence be in the works? Jerome R. Corsi covered this potential “sleeping dog” in a previous American Thinker article, which you can read here.

So, here we are.  The past sixteen years are now behind, and what Trump envisions as America’s Golden Age is ahead. The clock is ticking… And, regardless, rest assured that everything will work out “for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”

Albin Sadar is the author of Obvious: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It, as well as the children’s book collection Hamster Holmes: Box of Mysteries.

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