

December 28, 2022

Totalitarianism has been defined as total centralized state power coupled with the obliteration of individual human rights. By supporting big government at the expense of the individual, the Democrat Party under Obama and Biden has been transforming America into a totalitarian nightmare. “We are living in an increasingly threatening police state under the Democrats and Joe Biden,” said Mark Levin. “What they are doing is so destructive to this society I don’t know if we can reverse course.”

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The majority of Americans are opposed to Biden’s policies. According to the latest Trafalgar Group poll, more than 71% of Americans are against Democrats’ massive spending plans. Yet the House was manipulated into passing a $1.7 trillion spending bill that included $45 billion in emergency aid for Ukraine. Thanks to deliberate obfuscation by the Biden administration, nobody really knows what is in the bill. The 4,000-plus pages of the legislative text was released in the middle of the night, CNN reported, “leaving little time for rank-and-file lawmakers and the public to review its contents before it came up for a vote in both chambers.” And it passed.

The majority of Americans are against open borders. Once again, what we want doesn’t seem to matter. A steady wave of illegal immigration is what Biden wants and no one seems the least bit interested in putting an end to it. Millions of unvetted migrants are streaming across the border and being shipped to secret destinations in direct violation of U.S. immigration law. This is nothing short of treasonous.

The import of deadly drugs, violent criminals, terrorists, and COVID spreaders constitutes the worst public safety issue since World War II. At a time when runaway inflation is driving millions of Americans into the poorhouse, we are being forced to provide public assistance to millions of freeloading non-citizens. Local communities are being torn apart by the influx of refugees. Crime is rampant. The economic resources of local communities are being overwhelmed.

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Newsmax reports the statistics: “According to Customs and Border Protection, the agency encountered 2,766,682 illegal migrants crossing the border in Fiscal Year 2022, an increase of about 800,000 from 2021 and more than four times the 646,822 encounters in 2020.” Do the math. That amounts to nearly five million since Biden took over. If Title 42 is abolished, estimates are that we will face 18,000 illegals a day. That will bring us to more than 6.5 million per year.

“By the end of Joe Biden’s first term,” said Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, “nearly 20% of all Americans will be here illegally.” We can’t assimilate the 20 million or more illegals that have smuggled themselves into the U.S. so far. Try to imagine what will happen if we take in another 20 million.

None of this is happening by accident. “It is becoming harder not to conclude that the border crisis is intentional,” said Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana. “Nobody is this incompetent.” Of course it is intentional. Biden knows exactly what he is doing. He gets his stooges, DHS Secretary Mayorkas and Press Secretary Jean-Pierre, to deny that the border is open, but we know they are lying through their teeth. The media should be watching out for us, but they are in the pocket of the Democratic Party.

“The average American is fed up with being browbeaten by a bunch of crazy left-wing radicals,” said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Fed up is one thing, doing something about it is another. In spite of majority opposition, Biden and the people who run his administration are getting away with their Stalinist tactics.

The defining characteristic of Stalin’s Soviet Union was the weaponization of government agencies against the regime’s opponents. The Biden administration is doing just that — empowering the Deep State to crush Biden’s political opposition. The main tool in this effort is the FBI. “It has become increasingly clear,” said Tucker Carlson on Fox, “that the FBI is actively working on behalf of the Democratic Party. Mocking the rule of law. Subverting our democracy from within.”

“The FBI is now an organization solely focused on destroying the domestic enemies of the Democratic Party,” said radio host Jesse Kelly. “They’re as far left as Lenin,” said political commentator Dan Bongino. “Do liberals not grasp how totalitarian this is?”