February 22, 2025
Bloomberg Terrified At The Prospect Of America Exporting Its Gun Culture

Submitted by Gun Owners Of America.,

Bloomberg, the news media company named after and owned by prominent anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg, is terrified of a worldwide gun culture.

In a recent series of articlesBloomberg journalists detail how firearms companies are "fueling violence across the world" through sales to other countries. While the articles certainly attempt to frame gun ownership in other countries as the cause of violence, two key points are left out.

First, many firearms exports worldwide are specifically for law enforcement and military contracts, not civilian sales. So, while Sig Sauer (the target of a Bloomberg hit piece on firearms exports) does export firearms overseas, many of these are for arming police officers and soldiers in foreign militaries.

Second is that violence isn't caused by firearms. Violence is a human problem. An article in the series asserts that Sig Sauer is somehow responsible for the black-market firearms trade in Thailand and violent acts committed by those who used Sig products. It's very likely that if Sig Sauer was not able to sell their firearms in Thailand, the purported acts of violence would still have occurred with a different brand that Bloomberg journalists may not have been as interested in.

A newer article in the series highlighted Brazil as being a major importer of US-made firearms, but failed to mention the fact that after former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro made firearms permits easier and cheaper for law-abiding citizens to acquire, homicides fell 34%, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Brazil, one of the most violent nations on earth (with cities like Salvador and Fortaleza having homicide numbers in the thousands), is plagued by crime and gang violence. Firearms are routinely stolen from police armories and sometimes even manufactured right in the favela. Why not mention that American-style civilian firearm ownership helped to decrease homicides?

Interestingly, this detail is left out of the Bloomberg reporting, and maybe it doesn't fit the anti-gun progressive narrative by corporate media. 

Lastly, a question that must be posed in the face of this reporting is why Bloomberg fears an American-style gun culture in other countries.

An American style of gun ownership allows citizens to defend themselves without reliance on government entities like the police or military. It will enable citizens to be truly independent. For a billionaire like Michael Bloomberg, who can afford private security 24/7, this can be hard to understand. Still, for someone living in a Brazilian favela or a cartel-controlled territory in Mexico, firearm ownership could be the determining factor between life and death.

It's very telling that at the end of the Bloomberg article, a disclaimer reads: Everytown for Gun Safety, which advocates gun-safety measures, is backed by Michael Bloomberg, founder and majority owner of Bloomberg News parent Bloomberg LP.

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Tyler Durden Sat, 10/21/2023 - 18:05

Submitted by Gun Owners Of America.,

Bloomberg, the news media company named after and owned by prominent anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg, is terrified of a worldwide gun culture.

In a recent series of articlesBloomberg journalists detail how firearms companies are “fueling violence across the world” through sales to other countries. While the articles certainly attempt to frame gun ownership in other countries as the cause of violence, two key points are left out.

First, many firearms exports worldwide are specifically for law enforcement and military contracts, not civilian sales. So, while Sig Sauer (the target of a Bloomberg hit piece on firearms exports) does export firearms overseas, many of these are for arming police officers and soldiers in foreign militaries.

Second is that violence isn’t caused by firearms. Violence is a human problem. An article in the series asserts that Sig Sauer is somehow responsible for the black-market firearms trade in Thailand and violent acts committed by those who used Sig products. It’s very likely that if Sig Sauer was not able to sell their firearms in Thailand, the purported acts of violence would still have occurred with a different brand that Bloomberg journalists may not have been as interested in.

A newer article in the series highlighted Brazil as being a major importer of US-made firearms, but failed to mention the fact that after former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro made firearms permits easier and cheaper for law-abiding citizens to acquire, homicides fell 34%, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Brazil, one of the most violent nations on earth (with cities like Salvador and Fortaleza having homicide numbers in the thousands), is plagued by crime and gang violence. Firearms are routinely stolen from police armories and sometimes even manufactured right in the favela. Why not mention that American-style civilian firearm ownership helped to decrease homicides?

Interestingly, this detail is left out of the Bloomberg reporting, and maybe it doesn’t fit the anti-gun progressive narrative by corporate media. 

Lastly, a question that must be posed in the face of this reporting is why Bloomberg fears an American-style gun culture in other countries.

An American style of gun ownership allows citizens to defend themselves without reliance on government entities like the police or military. It will enable citizens to be truly independent. For a billionaire like Michael Bloomberg, who can afford private security 24/7, this can be hard to understand. Still, for someone living in a Brazilian favela or a cartel-controlled territory in Mexico, firearm ownership could be the determining factor between life and death.

It’s very telling that at the end of the Bloomberg article, a disclaimer reads: Everytown for Gun Safety, which advocates gun-safety measures, is backed by Michael Bloomberg, founder and majority owner of Bloomberg News parent Bloomberg LP.

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