February 23, 2025

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Islam is a religion that glorifies sexual madness.

On February 19, 2014, Muslims in Chibok, Nigeria, calling themselves Boko Haram, which means “Western education is forbidden,” kidnapped some 300 Christian school girls, raping them, forcing them to convert to Islam, and making them Boko Haram wives—although slaves and sex objects is a more accurate description.

Some of the girls escaped; some were ransomed by the Nigerian government for millions of dollars; a third remain unaccounted for and, presumably, after a decade, are still enslaved, which also means being raped hundreds of times.

On February 19, 2018, Boko Haram enthusiasts struck again, kidnapping 110 more Christian girls from a boarding school and surely mass raping them too. Harrowing and heart-breaking reportage left the reader with the cries of the terrified girls as they were driven off in trucks after they were duped into entering them by Muslims disguised as Nigerian soldiers.

Sound familiar? The world now has video from October 7 of the same Muslim behavior (although paired with murderous intent against those who were not kidnapped) in the Jews’ Holy Land.

<img alt captext="YouTube” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/boko-haram-hamas-and-caveman-sex.jpg”>

Image: The girls that Boko Haram kidnapped in 2024. YouTube screen grab.

In Nigeria, “Boko” is a corruption of the English word for “book,” short for “book-learning/education,” and “Haram” here roughly translates as “forbidden,” which cult name advertises its cause: the rejection of schooling for girls. Educating girls enrages Muslims.

In their minds, women are meant to be slaves to bear men’s sons. All the education that a Muslim female needs is learning how to cook and wash clothes. In the world according to Islam, educating girls is religiously incorrect in the extreme. Women are destined to be, functionally, slaves with no right to a will of their own.

The similarity to the ongoing half-year kidnapping and enslavement of those Jewish girls, women, boys, and men in Gaza still in the clutches of the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas is inescapable. They are doing to these Jewish hostages what Boko Haram did to their Christian captives. The atavistic behavior of both Hamas and Boko Haram Muslims seems to be that of mankind before the Flood: unbridled aggression against others driven by an appetite unrestrained by any conscience or human empathy.

Think of the cartoonist who draws a hairy caveman, his hands gripping the hair of a woman as he drags her across the ground. Well, that really happened on October 7, 2023, to Jewish girls and women, most of whom, unlike the cartoon woman, did not survive.

Coincidentally (or maybe not), the word hamas in the Jewish Bible (Genesis 6:11) is the ultimate sin, the “last straw” that persuaded the Almighty that His original version of mankind was defective, leading Him to start over again after cleansing the world in a global ritual bath, i.e., the Great Flood.

Muslims seem prone to a sexual criminality never known in history. Yes, raping the females of a defeated enemy has been known, but concluding the horror by shooting the victim in the head, then ejaculating into her corpse? Whoever heard of such behavior?

Or, laughing that day, the Muslims enjoyed slicing off a Jewish woman’s breast to throw around like a softball. The Israeli recovery teams that dealt with the 1,200 victims of the massacre often could not identify the sex of the victim because the Muslim Brothers liked to fire their automatic weapons into their genitalia.

Some girls were also shot in the face so many times that there was no more face.

Boko Haram and Hamas are just the latest evidence that Islam religiously justifies what is essentially antediluvian behavior characteristic of Homo Sapiens 1.0, i.e., pre-Flood humanity. They license themselves to kidnap and rape and turn their victims into sex slaves. They lack a conscience and human empathy, laughing about and celebrating their cruelty. This behavior is a kind of group psychopathy. Boko Haram and Hamas are psychopathic cults.

The mainstream media, of course, use the politically correct terms of the day to report on these sexual demons, calling them “militants,” “Islamists,” “radical extremists”—all terms of verbal camouflage used to cover up and deny the truth the Islamic thread tying them together. The other terms are meant to communicate the sub rosa message that these brutes are “unrepresentative” of “mainstream” Islam. Think of President George W. Bush, after 9-11 reassuring the world that Islam is a “religion of peace.” Anything else would be considered “Islamophobic.”

However, the truth is that such “extremists” do represent mainstream Islam, and here is why: The men who invaded Israel on October 7 are acting exactly as their ancestors did over thousands of years when Muslims preyed upon defenseless travelers crossing their deserts.

Meanwhile, at sea, their cousins, the misnamed “Barbary Pirates,” hijacked Christian ships and enslaved their passengers and crews until ransomed. (Many were not ransomed, with over a million Europeans turned into slaves by the same people who trafficked in African slavery.) They were not free-booting pirates but the official fleets of their home ports who justified their hijacking and enslavement of infidels with the jihad.

Another indication that modern Islamic terrorists represent mainstream Islam is that Islam’s political and religious authorities in their fifty-six officially Muslim states have never vigorously campaigned against Boko Haram, Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaida, Jabhat a-Nusra, the PLO, or any other Muslim terrorist organization. Islam’s political and religious leaders may sometimes mumble sotto voce and condemn the behavior of Muslim terrorists but do nothing to curb it. They do not angrily disown it, and for this dereliction, they own it.

The Quran calls for the “oppression” and “humiliation” of non-Muslims. Muslim aggression against infidels has been a chronic feature of this community since the 7th century. There is no other religion in the world whose preachers weekly, even daily, somewhere on the planet, justify the rape, mutilation, and slaughter of innocents.

Sha’i ben-Tekoa’s PHANTOM NATION: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace is available at Amazon.com in hard cover or a Kindle ebook. His podcasts can be heard on www.phantom-nation.com.

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