

July 5, 2022

“All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.”

–Donald Trump, transcript of Jan. 2 audio of phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan and several others.

They’ve got him now.  None of the other hoaxes perpetrated on the American people over the past five years by the Democrat-media alliance, including the Russia collusion hoax that was actually paid for by the Democrat-media darling and alleged “most qualified person who has ever run for president,” Hillary Clinton, the Lafayette Park Bible photo-op hoax, the Ukraine phone call hoax that they actually spun into an entire presidential impeachment, etc., have panned out and they (think that) have a new one now.   

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To be more precise, they do not have the entire phone call but they do have one sentence from it that they believe can be turned into a new Trump criminal scandal. 

Specifically, Trump said to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, with many others listening in on the call, that he “wanted to find [the] 11,780 votes” that he needed to win the State of Georgia.  Of course, this can only mean one thing—that Trump wanted the Georgia Secretary of State to fabricate enough votes for him to win the state and Trump was stupid enough to say this on an open call with numerous people including several lawyers listening. 

In fact, it is quite easy to see what else it could mean if one actually listens to the entire phone call.  For, if Trump makes anything clear in the call it is that he believes passionately that there are many more legitimate votes for him out there than he needs to win fairly and squarely and that one need only to make a serious effort to find them.  He begins the call as follows:

“[W]e’ve spent a lot of time on this and … it’s pretty clear that we won … very substantially in Georgia. … [I]f you [have] a real check of the signatures … in Fulton County you’ll find at least a couple of hundred thousand of forged signatures of people …. And we are quite sure that’s going to happen.”

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Trump then proceeds to list additional layers of alleged fraud in the Georgia election: 

1.) There were at least 50,000 people who went to vote and were told they could not vote because someone had already cast their vote. 

2.) There were about 4,502 voters who voted but who weren’t on the voter registration list. 

3.) There were 18,325 vacant address voters. 

4.) There were 904 people who voted but only had a post office box number which is “not allowed.”

5.) There were 18,000 voters associated with “a professional vote scammer and hustler” that he names.