March 3, 2025

Photo Credit:Pete Hegseth and J.D. Vance, swearing in ceremony

white house youtube

God seems to be protecting the U.S. on the military front as Pete Hegseth takes office.

As I watched Vice President J.D. Vance swear in our new Defense Secretary, Pete Hegseth, I couldn’t help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

At last, our military forces will be restored to its full potential to protect this great nation.

If we are looking for further proof that a higher power is watching over us, consider this one question: why haven’t our enemies taken advantage of the fact that for the past four years, America has been at its most vulnerable because the man in charge of that nuclear football has been non compos mentis since he took office? As if that wasn’t bad enough, the man in charge of our Defense Department at the time was missing for a number of days without letting anyone know he was in the hospital.

During the confirmation hearings for Hegseth, RINO Sens. Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Mitch McConnell all voted with the Democrats against him, yet they all voted to confirm the AWOL Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. 

These GOP traitors have the nerve to think they know who would handle our military most efficiently. Well, Austin was in charge when we quit Afghanistan and left billions of equipment to the Taliban.

There is no doubt that the new Secretary of Defense has a history of sexual entanglements that his Democrat interrogators were eager to expose during his confirmation hearings. I would have been more impressed if they concentrated on his plans to restore our military rather than harping on his sex life as we all know that veterans returning from combat missions frequently go through chaotic personal relations in civilian life.

Since watching Hegseth’s swearing in, I  was curious to learn more about this man who had been a Fox News host and author who caught Trump’s attention with his book, The War on Warriors.

Anyone who lived through the Vietnam era, will recall that these veterans, including my brother, went through a period of public disdain thanks to the effective war protesters such as Jane Fonda.

Vietnam vets were called ‘baby killers’ and yes, were spat upon by hippies.

It wasn’t until Ronald Reagan spoke respectfully of our warriors who fought and died in Vietnam, that the scorn for these veterans gradually abated.

It is horrifying to witness what has happened to our military in the last decade with D.E.I proponents savaging it. It is so clear that love of country is the last thing on their minds but it is the very first motivation for Hegseth’s life.

In an old interview on YouTube, the new Secretary of Defense tells of growing up in a small town where patriotic traditions were so strong, that the idea of dying for one’s country was not a fantasy.

In the last two presidential campaigns, the only donations I made were to the former Navy Seals running for office. Contrast that emotion with Michelle Obama’s 2008 campaign remark: “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”

Boohoo, Michelle. Still bitter about her Princeton student experience, and every other slight she perceived as part of a racist America, she couldn’t help this revealing slip.

POTUS Trump recognized the patriotic fervor of Pete Hegseth in his book which outlined the disastrous shift that had sunk into our armed forces. Various book reviewers summarize the War on Warriors in these words; “Hegseth argues that the military has shifted from core values of honor, sacrifice, and merit to a focus on diversity and social justice. He believes this shift undermines military effectiveness and alienates traditional, patriotic recruits. Hegseth calls for a return to traditional military values, warning that the current direction risks weakening America’s defense capabilities..”

That sounds like a perfect plan to heal and restore sanity to all our military forces. Once again, I ask the question why weren’t we ambushed during our most susceptible condition?

President Donald Trump said in his inauguration speech that he believed he was saved by God to save this country. He, of course, was referring to having survived two assassination attempts and the general consensus is that this is correct even though the word ‘God’ is still anathema to the left. But Trump is not the only president that God may have protected for the interest of our great nation.

I knew very little about our first president, George Washington, other than his involvement in the American Revolution. I was stunned to learn that he fought with the British in the French and Indian War and it was this experience that led to him becoming  the commander of the rebel forces in the Revolution. In letters he wrote to his brother and mother he said:

By the All-Powerful Dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!

Harold Pease wrote a column in Independent about the Indian legend of God’s divine protection. Supposedly, a former Indian warrior met Washington and said:

Our rifles were leveled, rifles which, but for you, knew not how to miss – `twas all in vain, a power mightier far than we, shielded you.

He then said this:

There is something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy: Listen! The Great Spirit protects that man and guides his destinies – he willbecome the chief of nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the founder of a mighty empire.

There has never been a wider divide between our two political parties. We have one whose presidential convention members booed when someone said the word ‘God.’ And the other proudly utters praise and gratitude for His intercession in this great nation’s life.

The latter is for MAGA.

Alicia Colon can be reached at [email protected].

Image: Screen shot from White House video, via YouTube

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