A disastrous dive cost an American dearly in Paris during Olympic competition. Alison Gibson's feet collided with the diving board in the preliminary round of the women's 3-meter dive, netting her a score of 0.0 and essentially dooming her hopes of a medal in the Summer Games, according to the...
A disastrous dive cost an American dearly in Paris during Olympic competition. Alison Gibson’s feet collided with the diving board in the preliminary round of the women’s 3-meter dive, netting her a score of 0.0 and essentially dooming her hopes of a medal in the Summer Games, according to the…
A disastrous dive cost an American dearly in Paris during Olympic competition. Alison Gibson’s feet collided with the diving board in the preliminary round of the women’s 3-meter dive, netting her a score of 0.0 and essentially dooming her hopes of a medal in the Summer Games, according to the…