

June 24, 2023

A series of tests by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), better known as the Nation’s Report Card, show that fifty years of student academic progress have been wiped out.  Unless this is reversed, America as a free nation faces a grim future.

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Test scores released this week for a sample of 8,700 13-year-olds showed that math scores had the largest drop ever since 1990, with reading scores about the same as those in the initial test in 1971.  In a survey on the exam, fewer students said they read for pleasure, an activity that correlates with stronger academic performance.  Absenteeism has doubled since 2020, and mental health issues were noted. 

NAEP test results in 2022 for 9-year-olds also showed steep declines with a first-time drop in math since the initial 1973 test and the lowest reading scores since 1990.

NAEP results for eighth-graders released in May reported that only 13 percent were proficient in U.S. history, the fruit of a decline that began in 2014.  Civics scores saw the first ever drop, with only 22 percent of students proficient. 

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The pandemic is blamed for these academic losses, but the elephant in the room is why schools were shut down in the first place, since student infection rates were not found to be a significant problem.   Union members held sickout strikes to prevent school reopenings in some cities, with the Chicago Teachers’ Union claiming that the reopening of schools was “rooted in sexism, racism, and misogyny.”  Union members worked with the CDC to keep schools closed.  Key union officials backed Democrats in the 2020 elections.

But the downward spiral of student achievement began well before school shutdowns.

Math and reading scores began declining in 2012 with the implementation of left-leaning Common Core Curriculum Standards.  Traditional math has been replaced by Common Core math, which requires a series of mind-boggling processes to do even simple calculations.  Memorizing basic math facts is discouraged now.  The impact of Common Core math was evident in the 2015 NAEP results.  For the first time since the test was administered in the early 1990s, math scores of fourth- and eighth-graders dropped.

It is not surprising that fewer students are reading for fun.  Common Core threw out great classical books that teach children morals and patriotism.  They were replaced with books such as The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, which depicts the “oppression of women” and the “tyranny and violation brought upon them by the men in their lives.”

With Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, students read the text without any preliminary information about the purpose for the occasion.  With this type of learning, students will have only a shallow knowledge of history that is limited intellectually.

The effects of Common Core on reading were evidenced by the 2015 NAEP drop in scores for eighth-graders, while fourth-grade performance was stagnant compared with 2013.  Only 36 percent of grade four and 34 percent of grade eight were proficient in reading.