

July 12, 2022

It was interesting to read last week that our Democratic friends are criticizing President Biden for doing nothing. Or rather, they are clamoring for him to Do Something to save their political necks — on the days when they are not avoiding him like the plague.

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It does show what a bubble Democrats live in. For the past 18 months President Biden and congressional leaders have been working like mad to pass stimulus bills and Build Back Better bills in the multi-trillions, and the administrative state has been working overtime to bring fossil fuels to a dead stop.

If you knew just a little about economics, you would have been thinking: wow, pedal to the metal spending ain’t gonna look good on the inflation front. Stopping fossil fuels dead ain’t gonna look good on the gas station front. Democrats should thank their lucky stars that Manchin, Sinema & Co slowed the madness down a bit.

I realize that no headline Democrat has time between peaceful protests to get up to speed on economics, and that’s why nobody at Dem Central was saying, back in early 2021: Whoa Neddy! I guess all the relevant experts were busy recommending mandatory vaccinations at the time.

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Okay, I understand how young Democrats might have thought that now is the time. After all, they’ve been carefully taught since pre-school that Allyship and MMT and political action through activism and peaceful protest is the highest and best thing: indeed the only thing, and that the arc of history is just sitting there, waiting for them to bend it towards justice. Hey, the Sixties Kidz thought the same 50 years ago, before the voters sent for Nixon and Reagan.

Anyway, now we’ve got to the point that even the dumbest Democrat can read the polls and realize that the Democrats are heading into a midterm meltdown for the ages. You can check out midterm meltdowns here. The meltiest meltdown was in 1894 on Dem president Grover Cleveland’s watch after the Panic of 1893, what with 500 banks failing.

So they blame Biden! Wow! Nobody here but the “best and brightest!”

Earth to Democrats! You are in a political meltdown because of what Biden (and you activists) did. Not because of what Biden did not do.

Do you know what your problem is? I will tell you.

You guys are so busy bending the arc of history that you are failing to learn the lessons of history.