March 18, 2025
Conservative legal group America First Legal released "smoking gun" documents obtained from the University of Utah Health: Gender Management and Support Clinic about the "gender-affirming care" medications and "irreversible" treatments for transgender minors.

Conservative legal group America First Legal released “smoking gun” documents obtained from the University of Utah Health: Gender Management and Support Clinic about the “gender-affirming care” medications and “irreversible” treatments for transgender minors.

AFL filed public records requests in five states in June, and last week, the organization received consent forms involving treatments for minors in Utah.


“The idea of ‘gender-affirming care’ is a fiction – the reality is that the clinics are experimenting on children, knowing full well the life-altering nature of those experiments. If we do not put a stop to this, in generations to come, America will look back in shame and horror at what was done to children in the name of a morally bankrupt ideology,“ Ian Prior, America First Legal senior adviser, said in a statement.

The bombshell documents revealed how the University of Utah’s “feminizing therapy” on biological males can cause some “permanent” and “irreversible” changes, including chest growth.

The documents show that “the risk” of the “feminizing therapy” has a long list of health complications, including “high blood pressure, blood clots, heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney disease, non-cancerous tumors of the pituitary gland, gall stones, breast cancer, headaches, and migraines, and loss of fertility.”

They admit that some gender-affirming puberty blockers, including the use of androgen blockers and GnRH agonists, are “not FDA approved” and could lead to “muscle weakness, nerve problems, and dangerous heart arrhythmias.”

The consent forms showed disturbing effects that “may be permanent… or may not be permanent” in minors, including shrinkages of testicles, “immature” sperm, lack of sexual interest, and infertility.

“My sperm may not mature, and I may become unable to cause a pregnancy. This ability may or may not return after stopping hormone therapy,” a consent form obtained by AFL said.

Another consent form shared the risks of hormone therapy in the form of estrogen causing blood clots, increased blood pressure, increased gallstones, chronic leg vein problems, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, and a stroke, which could cause permanent brain damage or death.

Biological females seeking “masculinizing therapy” could see permanent scalp hair loss, a deepened voice, body hair growth, and vaginal atrophy.


The clinic’s documents also admit that puberty blockers such as GnRH agonists could decrease bone density and even brain development.

“Blockers can be used to ‘pause’ puberty, giving you time to further explore gender identity before puberty causes any permanent changes. If started early enough, blockers can pave the way for patients to benefit from pubertal development in line with their gender identity without developing unwanted physical changes that could later require surgery to reverse,” the clinic’s consent form touted about the “benefit” of starting blockers at a younger age.

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