March 4, 2025

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Not tomorrow, not after breakfast, but now.

In 1968, author Shelby Steele was working in East St. Louis, as a “proud warrior” in President Johnson’s War on Poverty. The 1964 Civil Rights Act and Johnson’s Great Society unleashed a wave of optimism for black Americans that justice was coming. “The government that oppressed us only yesterday would now engineer our uplift” Steele said, but it didn’t take him long to discover the hard truth. “Black development was not the focus of justice. Taking advantage of White Guilt was the focus.”

Steele, who had studied race his entire life, would write about “White Guilt” over the next five decades, because Democrats have been cultivating it ever since. If you’re scoring at home, the White Guilt scorecard includes, among other things, the devastating effects of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), responsible for robbing generations of children the love and stability fathers deliver in the home—incentivizing the “baby mama” culture of government dependency ensnared millions of blacks into lives of chaos, violence, and generational poverty—as well as the shift toward union-run public schools that favor the demands of teachers’ unions over the education of children. White guilt drives the engine of systemic racism the Democrat party has produced since 1965.

In the 2021 documentary, “What Killed Michael Brown?”, made with his son, Eli, Steele calls out, “liberalism’s faithlessness in blacks, its unacknowledged bigotry towards them, a vote of no confidence in their own agency to engineer their own uplift.”

Steele concludes, “One overriding truth: We never use race, except as a means to power. Race is never an end. It is always a means. It has no role in human affairs, except as a corruption.”

The latest “corruption” is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. DEI is an incarnation of Critical Race Theory, the controversial 1970’s theory from legal scholars Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, and others. What is that? CRT critic James Lindsay informs us that CRT is cultural Marxism that subjugates whites as oppressors and blacks as perpetual victims. The goal? Find racism in literally everything. And so it does.

Want another opinion? “Studies” professor, and CRT enthusiast Brian Lozenski, who wrote curriculum signed into law by Minnesota Governor and VP candidate Tim Walz says, “The first tenet of CRT is that the United States, as constructed, is irreversibly racist. So if the nation-state, as constructed, is irreversibly racist, then it must be done with. It must be overthrown, right?” So long America.

And equity? According to government literature, written by George Frederickson, equity is, “An administered political economy in which shares are adjusted so that citizens are made equal.” So long meritocracy.

Since racism is in America’s DNA, and CRT is the DNA of DEI, focusing on race to eliminate all disparities of outcomes has exploded under Biden into every vestige of American culture. It has literally taken over every branch of government including the military, and is fully staffed in nearly every American university and corporation. Like nearly all Democrat policies that claim to solve problems created by Democrats, DEI is nothing but another corruption that is the opposite of what it claims to be.

DEI practitioners would have you believe that it’s a mere reflection of a changing America and the desire to make sure everyone is represented fairly. They sell it with soft sounding words to make you feel warm and fuzzy. It’s all teddy-bears and safe spaces. Love and kindness. Or is it?

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh has a new documentary called, “Am I A Racist?” where we get an up close and personal look of inclusion from the “Hate Has No Home Here” crowd.

“The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination,” Ibram X. Kendi wrote.

Breeshia Wade is a black “grief expert and anti-racist instructor.” In a room full of white people who paid her $30,000 to be berated and shamed for 400 years of white supremacy—when conducting these “workshops,” Wade suggests she’s at-risk of bodily harm, saying she’s “not safe” in white people’s presence.

Then there’s co-authors of “White Women”, Saira Rao and Regina Jackson, who host something called, “Race 2 Dinner” for $5,000. White women seated around a beautiful dining room table are served fancy dinners by Covid-mask wearing waiters as Rao spews: “This country is transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, ableist, classist Islamophobic, misogynistic, dumpster fire…Whiteness robs you of your brain.”

Water is poured. Matt, pretending to be a waiter, drops a stack of plates, briefly adding some comic relief to the hate fest. But Rao continues, “Republicans are Nazis. You cannot separate yourselves from the bad white people. The entire system has to burn. This country is a piece of shit.” Lovely.

Race is not the only corruption of DEI. While many school boards sold it to taxpayers as a way to close the decades old and entrenched achievement gap between blacks and whites, it’s really just a Trojan Horse for every leftwing ideological agenda.

Gender Dysphoria is a real mental disorder that, according to author Abigail Shrier, historically affects less than 0.01%, mostly boys ages 2–4. Supported by their parents in their biological bodies, over 85% grew out of it. In layman’s terms: a phase for the vast majority.

Yet DEI advocates have also embraced this corruption of science and biology that took a rare mental disorder and turned it into a political movement designed to, in the words of the 1980’s academics who invented the literature, “destroy the heteronormative, white, male heterosexual power structure.” And “if men can become women and women men, the natural structure of creation could be toppled,” as reported by writer and DEI expert, Chris Rufo. Just like CRT, the goal is to destroy America and all of Western Civilization.

DEI has no role in human affairs except as a corruption. It has no role in America. It is the complete opposite of what all coaches of sports, business, and life have taught for centuries: To overcome adversity and persevere against the odds. To fight through pain, to come back stronger after disappointment and loss. To rise up after rejection, objection, failure, job loss, bankruptcy, divorce, and death of loved ones.

It’s not how many times you get knocked down. It’s how many times you get back up.

—Rocky Balboa 

DEI teaches you to stay there. Defeated. Curled up in a ball like a victim in search of microaggressions. Weak.

It’s a Trojan Horse of destructive lies, devoid of objective and Biblical truth, robbing parents of their agency over their children.

DEI: Dividing and Destroying the country. An Environment of Exclusion. Eliminator of Excellence. Ideology of Ignorance and Idiotic Insanity because only the insane would want to burn down the Last Great Hope for Humanity over a theory.

David Duke had a theory. Using just statistical facts of test scores, crime/prison, out-of-wedlock birth rates etc. of blacks, he derived his vapid theory that blacks were inferior. Devoid of any historical facts like slavery, Jim Crow discrimination, oppression, and culture. So flawed was his theory that David Duke’s “15 minutes” lasted about five. America rejected it.

Democrats have a theory. A really bad theory that must be rejected everywhere. It’s gotta go. Not tomorrow, not after breakfast. Now.

Vote today!

Doug MacGregor is a former trader, real estate broker, investor, writer, screenwriter, and Uber driver in Chicago.

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