March 15, 2025
Disrupt, Defund, Deport, Deny, Destroy...

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

“At home, fellow citizens, you best know whether we have done well or ill. The suppression of unnecessary offices, of useless establishments and expenses enabled us to discontinue our internal taxes. These covering our land with officers, and opening our doors to their intrusions, had already begun that process of domiciliary vexation which, once entered, is scarcely to be restrained from reaching successively every article of produce and property.”

– Thomas Jefferson – 2nd Inaugural Address – 1805

“There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster.” 

– Ludwig von Mises – 1944

In 1805, only a few short years after the creation of our nation, Thomas Jefferson boasted that he had reduced the size and cost of government by eliminating useless offices, allowing him to discontinue unnecessary taxes and halt the government bureaucracy in its tracks. Jefferson hated big government, but most of his successors loved growing the government bureaucracy and taxing us directly through the hundreds of income, property, sales, and myriad of other taxes and fees, while taxing us indirectly through Federal Reserve purposely created inflation.

In addition, the government lies to us every time they issue their monthly reports about inflation, employment, economic growth and government spending. Anyone living in the real world knows everything the government proclaims is a bold-faced lie.

We know for a fact the average price of a new vehicle is up 130% ($48k vs. $21k) since 2000, while the government reported increase reflected in the CPI is 25% – because you can now push a button and heat your ass. You know the mega-food corps have reduced the amount of chips in the bag they are selling you by 20%, while charging more, but the government does not calculate this shrinkflation into their manipulated excel spreadsheet models. It is crucial for them to hide the truth, so they can underpay your granny in her monthly SS pittance. Whenever I see a government report I’m reminded of the scene from Clint Eastwood’s Outlaw Josey Wales.

“Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.” 

– Fletcher to U.S. Senator

There have been very few presidents in our 235 years of existence who made any attempt to restrain, let alone reduce, the size of government, with only Andrew Jackson and the Gingrich/Clinton years coming to mind. The weeks since the election of Trump have been a whirlwind of cabinet announcements, regime media hysterics, and Deep State traitors (Brennan, Schiff, Cheney, Bolton, et al) vehemently attacking Trump’s selections in order to deflect focus away from their treasonous coup against Trump. It has been fascinating to observe the wide range of reactions to Trump’s election and his subsequent appointments to his cabinet.

As Mises pointed out 80 years ago, there is nothing more dangerous than a menacing government of incompetent, corrupt, vile men (now includes women). It’s as if he was describing Biden, Harris, and their entire degenerate administration. Now we get to find out if the 2nd Trump administration is different than the 1st. We know it can’t be as horrific as the last four years of criminality, degeneracy, debt creation, societal chaos, DEI and trannie absurdity, warmongering and denial of reality.

There are those who will claim Trump is controlled opposition playing his part in this theater of the absurd. They allege he is just the pendulum swing of the uni-party to keep the masses entertained, hopeful, and distracted, while the real controllers continue to pillage the wealth of the masses, and increase their control over our lives through threats, intimidation, and fear. Has he been purposely installed to enable the next phase of their malevolent plan? Maybe.

On the other hand, there are a large percentage of Trump voters who are on Cloud 9 regarding his victory, believing he will transform the country, putting us back on the path to prosperity. He will deport the illegal invaders, build the wall, end the wars, cut the budget, end inflation, bring back good paying jobs, and make America great again – Again. They heartily applaud every cabinet selection, believe Elon and Vivek will cut $2 trillion of government waste, Putin and Xi will acquiesce to his demands, the lunatic Democrat party will be vanquished for a generation, and the Deep State will be defeated by RFK Jr.TulsiPam and the rest of the MAGA army.

The celebratory spirit and tremendous enthusiasm for his agenda among his ardent supporters is at a crescendo level. They really believe this time will be different. When Trump won the 1st time I was reminded of the final scene in the 1972 movie – The Candidate. Redford’s character shockingly won a Senate race and was totally unprepared for the prospect of being a Senator. He asks the question, but no one answers him.

Trump admitted he was completely unprepared when he won the first time. He was asking the same question as Redford. And he got rolled. He listened to the advice of Washington insiders, neocons, and traitorous RINOs. Surrounding himself with the likes of Sessions, Barr, Pence, Wray, Haley, Pompeo, Bolton, Kelly, Mattis, Esper, Milley, Fauci, Birx and thousands more deceitful Deep State snakes, guaranteed his administration would accomplish little of the agenda he ran on.

With RINO establishment whores, McConnell and Ryan, controlling Congress, his border wall and ending Obamacare were DOA. At the outset of the Covid scamdemic his initial instincts told him the fear mongering was overdone, but again, he naively believed the “experts” and Big Pharma captured “scientists” and “doctors” regarding a flu that ended up having a lower mortality rate for those under 40 years old than the annual flu. Hospitals, reaping millions by playing along with the scam killed more people by putting them on vents and giving them Fauci’s Remdesivir, than the actual virus. The average age of death was 85.

In my opinion, Trump’s worst sin during his first term, and one which he has failed to repent for, was his warpspeed support for an untested Big Pharma gene altering concoction, marketed as a vaccine, which failed to keep anyone from contracting or spreading the virus, and has killed and continues to kill and disable millions across the globe, while reaping obscene profits for Big Pharma, Big Media, and the entire Sickcare complex.

Natural immunity, along with existing safe, cheap and effective treatments ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine would have sufficed, with no masks, no social distancing, and no lockdowns. This was a test by our overlords to see how far they could push us and treat us like cattle before we would resist and push back. The test was a resounding success, as over 80% of Americans took the knee, taking the jab, masking, imprisoning themselves in their homes, and never questioning why it was safe to go to Wal-Mart but not Joe’s Steak shop. And Trump still openly boasts about his warpspeed jab, saving the lives of hundreds of millions. He hasn’t learned anything from the disastrous debacle he allowed to happen on his watch. This fact alone should make you question his judgement and motives.

We are less than two months from Trump’s inauguration and the raging battle between diehard Trumpers and the “Trump is a Nazi” loonies never subside on regime media outlets and the Twittersphere. I’m already tired of the shtick before his administration even launches. Trump’s cabinet level picks may not meet the requirements of those looking for perfection in an imperfect world, but compared to the woke diverse nutjobs who would have inhabited a Harris administration, this bunch has the potential to be the disruptors this country needs. I’m sure many are disappointed about the number of neo-cons, vaccine supporters, Soros acolytes and Israel advocates inhabiting his cabinet. I’m also disappointed in several picks, worried the Swamp has rolled him again.

The real question is whether his key picks will do what Trump wants them to do. GabbardHegsethBondi, and RFK Jr. need to ruthlessly purge the top ranks of their departments and install competent, loyal, courageous patriots into key positions. The middle level bureaucrats are the lifers who throw sand in the gears of change whenever those above them attempt to reform or cut anything in their bloated departments. They need to go. The Deep State will use every Machiavellian method at their disposal to derail the nominations of Trump’s key disruptors and/or infiltrate their organizations with moles to undermine everything they try to accomplish.

The Deep State blob is profoundly entrenched and will not be extinguished without an epic battle. My fear is that GabbardHegsethBondi, and RFK Jr., even if they can get confirmed by a RINO dominated Senate, will not be ruthless enough in purging the traitors within their departments. I do think Elon and Vivek are ruthless enough and rich enough to not care about what the Swamp thinks about their recommendations. We’ll see how much authority and backing Trump gives them when the rubber meets the road. I consider it a long shot that there will be substantive cuts in this $7 trillion bloated rancid pig of a deeply rooted bureaucratic state. Defeating the Deep State will require cold blooded, brutal disregard for the malevolent parasites governing the Swamp.

The chart below is a visualization of the government since 1950. It never shrinks. It grows ever larger like a blood sucking organism, adding more regulations, laws, rules, codes, and taxes to pay for their freedom destroying, soul crushing demands upon its citizenry. Those who oppose chopping away at these rules and regulations, while drastically reducing the cost of government, hysterically rant about the tragedies which await if government control over our lives is reduced. This is a laughable argument as the weight of these regulations crushes small businesses, while benefiting the mega-corps who help write the regulations and can afford to comply with them.

As I mentioned previously, our beloved bought off politicians are spending approximately $7 trillion per year, while only bringing in approximately $5 trillion, for a deficit of about $2 trillion, funded by Federal Reserve created debt and heaped upon the backs of future generations. The regime media, mouthing the Deep State narrative they have been paid to spew, predict a nation destroying disaster if Musk’s DOGE cuts of $2 trillion are enacted. The horror!!! And a huge percentage of the NPC ignorant masses believe the drivel they are fed without the slightest hint of skepticism. Critical thinking skills, concern for the truth, and appreciation of mathematical facts are non-existent among these clueless drones.

I wonder how many far-left Trump haters and their dying regime media talking head nitwit propaganda chiefs know Federal spending in 2017 during Trump’s 1st year in office was under $4 trillion. It surged to almost $8 trillion during the covid plandemic and still hovers in the $7 trillion range. Has the $3 trillion increase in Federal spending since 2017 benefited average Americans in any way?

Is your life better than it was in 2017 when the Feds “only” spent $4 trillion? This is how it works every time. They create a crisis (2008 Financial crisis, 2020 Covid crisis), create trillions of new spending and debt to “solve” the emergency, and then purposely keep the spending at “emergency” levels permanently – until the next manufactured crisis. Cutting $2 trillion of government spending will not gut the Federal government. It would just be eliminating the bullshit Covid spending, which was supposed to be temporary.

Cutting $4 trillion of unnecessary military, social welfare, and foreign aid would be a good start. The Department of Education and Department of Energy were both created in 1979 under the previous worst president in history. National education scores have plummeted, and the cost of energy has soared since 1979. The 20,000 government drones in these two agencies should be fired ASAP. The reality is there are more than 12 million Federal government employees/contract workers and over 20 million state and local government workers, representing 24% of all employed Americans.

There are millions more, mostly working for the monstrous arms dealers, who are totally dependent upon the Federal government teat. This is why lispy Lindsey Graham thinks the Ukraine and Middle East wars are good for business, and WW3 would really create a BOOM!! The only way to confront our crushing debt problem is to stop digging, defund agencies, defund wars, defund illegal immigrants, defund diversity bullshit, defund climate nonsense, and defund worthless government drones in mass quantities by firing them. If you don’t fund something, it withers and dies.

One of the main reasons Trump was elected was border security and the invasion of illegal dregs who are raping, killing and sucking our social welfare systems dry. The dying legacy media decry the cost of deporting millions of illegal vermin and the poor families who would be broken up. The sob stories will be never-ending, while they ignore the rapes and murders of American citizens at the hand of these animals. They ignore the never-ending cost of allowing them to stay, the drug and child trafficking piggybacking on the invasion, and the fact it has been mostly young military age men from around the world invading our country for the last four years.

The key to stopping this invasion and deporting the invaders is actually funding a real border wall, funding border patrol and letting them do their jobs, and most importantly, defunding every benefit being handed out to these leeches. And if the Democrat governors and mayors refuse to cooperate with the defunding and extraction of these scum from their urban shithole cities, their federal funding needs to be cut off. Money talks. When the spigot of welfare goodies gets turned off, self-deportation will commence. Tom Homan will take care of the rest at the point of a gun. Illegal means illegal.

What I truly don’t understand are the Trump acolytes, right wing Twitter influencers, and right leaning websites, caring so much about the reaction of MSNBC, CNN, The View, and Hollywood elite to Trump’s victory. Who cares what they think? They need to be shunned and turned off. Their ratings have plummeted, their credibility is shot, and mass layoffs are in the works. The only visibility these left-wing lunatics get is when popular right wingers post their unhinged rants on Twitter.

We need to deny they even exist and let them bloviate in obscurity. Their networks and shows will wither and die, as advertisers flee. Harris and her shadowy handlers spent $1.2 billion trying to convince Americans she wasn’t a dim witted, vacuous, diversity trollop, and she lost in a landslide, despite their best vote rigging efforts. Let them labor in the land of oblivion, wailing and gnashing their teeth, as normal Americans support Trump’s efforts to reverse the degeneracy and deviancy, they glorified during the Biden reign of terror and error.

I’m a highly skeptical individual who isn’t prone to over-optimism when it comes to government reform and promises of politicians. Despite a number of questionable cabinet picks, I do believe Trump does want to accomplish much of what he ran on. It is just unlikely he will succeed, given Thune and McConnell despise him and will install roadblocks every step of the way, and Johnson is a weak-kneed RINO with a minuscule majority in the House. Of course, there are likely to be far bigger events which will propel the next four years than the slow walking machinations of Congress critters.

We have entered the most dangerous, and potentially bloody, time frame of this Fourth Turning. Violent upheaval and the destruction of the existing social order is in the cards. The Deep State, after spending $1.2 trillion and two assassination attempts to stop Trump, are capable of anything when it comes to retaining control over the levers of government power and the obscene wealth generated by such control. Would they even be willing to start World War 3 in order to derail Trump’s agenda before he even takes office? It certainly appears they are doing their utmost to goad Putin into retaliating in a manner which would ensure a global conflagration.

Since Putin is the only adult in a room filled with low IQ lunatic woke western politicians, he will likely disappoint their ambitions to draw him into WW3. He knows Trump will work towards peace if given the chance. But will they give him the chance? His cabinet choices have insured the military industrial complex, surveillance state, and sickcare complex consider him the enemy. And they consider Vance an even more dangerous enemy.

Having Trump and Vance at the same venue would be a high-risk proposition with this many enemies aligned against them. The Deep State is controlled by actual psychopaths in suits who will stop at nothing to win this battle. We know Fourth Turnings never de-intensify and peter out. They build towards a climactic violent resolution, with much bloodshed. I would be entirely satisfied if Trump could just end the wars, close our southern border, eliminate the DEI gibberish, and make some cuts in the size of government. But a vaster societal altering fate is in our foreboding future.

The self-destruction of the American Empire has been underway since the start of this century and is poised to accelerate during Trump’s last term. I would love it if he actually made America great again, but it is too late to accomplish that arduous task. With $36 trillion of debt, $2 trillion annual deficits, $200 trillion of unfunded liabilities, global conflict imminent, and the social cohesion of the country destroyed, Trump may end up being the patsy for when it all goes to hell.

The Civil War Fourth Turning ended in 1865, amidst mass carnage. Exactly 80 years later, the Great Depression/WW2 Fourth Turning ended in 1945, with 65 million deaths. If this Fourth Turning were to follow suit and end 80 years later in 2025, I fear the outcome, which would bring about such an abrupt ending – nuclear war – would result in billions of deaths.  I am a realist who believes there are too many roadblocks and entrenched enemies, on both sides of the aisle, for Trump to achieve his stated agenda, but I hope for the best, while preparing for the worst.

“Humans are wired to advance. Humans do whatever it takes. And yet, nuclear war zeros it all out. Nuclear weapons reduce human brilliance and ingenuity, love and desire, empathy and intellect, to ash.”

-― Annie Jacobsen, Nuclear War: A Scenario

Storm clouds are building, and the next four years will be fraught with danger. Batten down the hatches and choose your friends and allies carefully. May God be with the good guys.

Tyler Durden Mon, 11/25/2024 - 18:25

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

“At home, fellow citizens, you best know whether we have done well or ill. The suppression of unnecessary offices, of useless establishments and expenses enabled us to discontinue our internal taxes. These covering our land with officers, and opening our doors to their intrusions, had already begun that process of domiciliary vexation which, once entered, is scarcely to be restrained from reaching successively every article of produce and property.”

– Thomas Jefferson – 2nd Inaugural Address – 1805

“There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster.” 

– Ludwig von Mises – 1944

In 1805, only a few short years after the creation of our nation, Thomas Jefferson boasted that he had reduced the size and cost of government by eliminating useless offices, allowing him to discontinue unnecessary taxes and halt the government bureaucracy in its tracks. Jefferson hated big government, but most of his successors loved growing the government bureaucracy and taxing us directly through the hundreds of income, property, sales, and myriad of other taxes and fees, while taxing us indirectly through Federal Reserve purposely created inflation.

In addition, the government lies to us every time they issue their monthly reports about inflation, employment, economic growth and government spending. Anyone living in the real world knows everything the government proclaims is a bold-faced lie.

We know for a fact the average price of a new vehicle is up 130% ($48k vs. $21k) since 2000, while the government reported increase reflected in the CPI is 25% – because you can now push a button and heat your ass. You know the mega-food corps have reduced the amount of chips in the bag they are selling you by 20%, while charging more, but the government does not calculate this shrinkflation into their manipulated excel spreadsheet models. It is crucial for them to hide the truth, so they can underpay your granny in her monthly SS pittance. Whenever I see a government report I’m reminded of the scene from Clint Eastwood’s Outlaw Josey Wales.

“Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.” 

– Fletcher to U.S. Senator

There have been very few presidents in our 235 years of existence who made any attempt to restrain, let alone reduce, the size of government, with only Andrew Jackson and the Gingrich/Clinton years coming to mind. The weeks since the election of Trump have been a whirlwind of cabinet announcements, regime media hysterics, and Deep State traitors (Brennan, Schiff, Cheney, Bolton, et al) vehemently attacking Trump’s selections in order to deflect focus away from their treasonous coup against Trump. It has been fascinating to observe the wide range of reactions to Trump’s election and his subsequent appointments to his cabinet.

As Mises pointed out 80 years ago, there is nothing more dangerous than a menacing government of incompetent, corrupt, vile men (now includes women). It’s as if he was describing Biden, Harris, and their entire degenerate administration. Now we get to find out if the 2nd Trump administration is different than the 1st. We know it can’t be as horrific as the last four years of criminality, degeneracy, debt creation, societal chaos, DEI and trannie absurdity, warmongering and denial of reality.

There are those who will claim Trump is controlled opposition playing his part in this theater of the absurd. They allege he is just the pendulum swing of the uni-party to keep the masses entertained, hopeful, and distracted, while the real controllers continue to pillage the wealth of the masses, and increase their control over our lives through threats, intimidation, and fear. Has he been purposely installed to enable the next phase of their malevolent plan? Maybe.

On the other hand, there are a large percentage of Trump voters who are on Cloud 9 regarding his victory, believing he will transform the country, putting us back on the path to prosperity. He will deport the illegal invaders, build the wall, end the wars, cut the budget, end inflation, bring back good paying jobs, and make America great again – Again. They heartily applaud every cabinet selection, believe Elon and Vivek will cut $2 trillion of government waste, Putin and Xi will acquiesce to his demands, the lunatic Democrat party will be vanquished for a generation, and the Deep State will be defeated by RFK Jr.TulsiPam and the rest of the MAGA army.

The celebratory spirit and tremendous enthusiasm for his agenda among his ardent supporters is at a crescendo level. They really believe this time will be different. When Trump won the 1st time I was reminded of the final scene in the 1972 movie – The Candidate. Redford’s character shockingly won a Senate race and was totally unprepared for the prospect of being a Senator. He asks the question, but no one answers him.

Trump admitted he was completely unprepared when he won the first time. He was asking the same question as Redford. And he got rolled. He listened to the advice of Washington insiders, neocons, and traitorous RINOs. Surrounding himself with the likes of Sessions, Barr, Pence, Wray, Haley, Pompeo, Bolton, Kelly, Mattis, Esper, Milley, Fauci, Birx and thousands more deceitful Deep State snakes, guaranteed his administration would accomplish little of the agenda he ran on.

With RINO establishment whores, McConnell and Ryan, controlling Congress, his border wall and ending Obamacare were DOA. At the outset of the Covid scamdemic his initial instincts told him the fear mongering was overdone, but again, he naively believed the “experts” and Big Pharma captured “scientists” and “doctors” regarding a flu that ended up having a lower mortality rate for those under 40 years old than the annual flu. Hospitals, reaping millions by playing along with the scam killed more people by putting them on vents and giving them Fauci’s Remdesivir, than the actual virus. The average age of death was 85.

In my opinion, Trump’s worst sin during his first term, and one which he has failed to repent for, was his warpspeed support for an untested Big Pharma gene altering concoction, marketed as a vaccine, which failed to keep anyone from contracting or spreading the virus, and has killed and continues to kill and disable millions across the globe, while reaping obscene profits for Big Pharma, Big Media, and the entire Sickcare complex.

Natural immunity, along with existing safe, cheap and effective treatments ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine would have sufficed, with no masks, no social distancing, and no lockdowns. This was a test by our overlords to see how far they could push us and treat us like cattle before we would resist and push back. The test was a resounding success, as over 80% of Americans took the knee, taking the jab, masking, imprisoning themselves in their homes, and never questioning why it was safe to go to Wal-Mart but not Joe’s Steak shop. And Trump still openly boasts about his warpspeed jab, saving the lives of hundreds of millions. He hasn’t learned anything from the disastrous debacle he allowed to happen on his watch. This fact alone should make you question his judgement and motives.

We are less than two months from Trump’s inauguration and the raging battle between diehard Trumpers and the “Trump is a Nazi” loonies never subside on regime media outlets and the Twittersphere. I’m already tired of the shtick before his administration even launches. Trump’s cabinet level picks may not meet the requirements of those looking for perfection in an imperfect world, but compared to the woke diverse nutjobs who would have inhabited a Harris administration, this bunch has the potential to be the disruptors this country needs. I’m sure many are disappointed about the number of neo-cons, vaccine supporters, Soros acolytes and Israel advocates inhabiting his cabinet. I’m also disappointed in several picks, worried the Swamp has rolled him again.

The real question is whether his key picks will do what Trump wants them to do. GabbardHegsethBondi, and RFK Jr. need to ruthlessly purge the top ranks of their departments and install competent, loyal, courageous patriots into key positions. The middle level bureaucrats are the lifers who throw sand in the gears of change whenever those above them attempt to reform or cut anything in their bloated departments. They need to go. The Deep State will use every Machiavellian method at their disposal to derail the nominations of Trump’s key disruptors and/or infiltrate their organizations with moles to undermine everything they try to accomplish.

The Deep State blob is profoundly entrenched and will not be extinguished without an epic battle. My fear is that GabbardHegsethBondi, and RFK Jr., even if they can get confirmed by a RINO dominated Senate, will not be ruthless enough in purging the traitors within their departments. I do think Elon and Vivek are ruthless enough and rich enough to not care about what the Swamp thinks about their recommendations. We’ll see how much authority and backing Trump gives them when the rubber meets the road. I consider it a long shot that there will be substantive cuts in this $7 trillion bloated rancid pig of a deeply rooted bureaucratic state. Defeating the Deep State will require cold blooded, brutal disregard for the malevolent parasites governing the Swamp.

The chart below is a visualization of the government since 1950. It never shrinks. It grows ever larger like a blood sucking organism, adding more regulations, laws, rules, codes, and taxes to pay for their freedom destroying, soul crushing demands upon its citizenry. Those who oppose chopping away at these rules and regulations, while drastically reducing the cost of government, hysterically rant about the tragedies which await if government control over our lives is reduced. This is a laughable argument as the weight of these regulations crushes small businesses, while benefiting the mega-corps who help write the regulations and can afford to comply with them.

As I mentioned previously, our beloved bought off politicians are spending approximately $7 trillion per year, while only bringing in approximately $5 trillion, for a deficit of about $2 trillion, funded by Federal Reserve created debt and heaped upon the backs of future generations. The regime media, mouthing the Deep State narrative they have been paid to spew, predict a nation destroying disaster if Musk’s DOGE cuts of $2 trillion are enacted. The horror!!! And a huge percentage of the NPC ignorant masses believe the drivel they are fed without the slightest hint of skepticism. Critical thinking skills, concern for the truth, and appreciation of mathematical facts are non-existent among these clueless drones.

I wonder how many far-left Trump haters and their dying regime media talking head nitwit propaganda chiefs know Federal spending in 2017 during Trump’s 1st year in office was under $4 trillion. It surged to almost $8 trillion during the covid plandemic and still hovers in the $7 trillion range. Has the $3 trillion increase in Federal spending since 2017 benefited average Americans in any way?

Is your life better than it was in 2017 when the Feds “only” spent $4 trillion? This is how it works every time. They create a crisis (2008 Financial crisis, 2020 Covid crisis), create trillions of new spending and debt to “solve” the emergency, and then purposely keep the spending at “emergency” levels permanently – until the next manufactured crisis. Cutting $2 trillion of government spending will not gut the Federal government. It would just be eliminating the bullshit Covid spending, which was supposed to be temporary.

Cutting $4 trillion of unnecessary military, social welfare, and foreign aid would be a good start. The Department of Education and Department of Energy were both created in 1979 under the previous worst president in history. National education scores have plummeted, and the cost of energy has soared since 1979. The 20,000 government drones in these two agencies should be fired ASAP. The reality is there are more than 12 million Federal government employees/contract workers and over 20 million state and local government workers, representing 24% of all employed Americans.

There are millions more, mostly working for the monstrous arms dealers, who are totally dependent upon the Federal government teat. This is why lispy Lindsey Graham thinks the Ukraine and Middle East wars are good for business, and WW3 would really create a BOOM!! The only way to confront our crushing debt problem is to stop digging, defund agencies, defund wars, defund illegal immigrants, defund diversity bullshit, defund climate nonsense, and defund worthless government drones in mass quantities by firing them. If you don’t fund something, it withers and dies.

One of the main reasons Trump was elected was border security and the invasion of illegal dregs who are raping, killing and sucking our social welfare systems dry. The dying legacy media decry the cost of deporting millions of illegal vermin and the poor families who would be broken up. The sob stories will be never-ending, while they ignore the rapes and murders of American citizens at the hand of these animals. They ignore the never-ending cost of allowing them to stay, the drug and child trafficking piggybacking on the invasion, and the fact it has been mostly young military age men from around the world invading our country for the last four years.

The key to stopping this invasion and deporting the invaders is actually funding a real border wall, funding border patrol and letting them do their jobs, and most importantly, defunding every benefit being handed out to these leeches. And if the Democrat governors and mayors refuse to cooperate with the defunding and extraction of these scum from their urban shithole cities, their federal funding needs to be cut off. Money talks. When the spigot of welfare goodies gets turned off, self-deportation will commence. Tom Homan will take care of the rest at the point of a gun. Illegal means illegal.

What I truly don’t understand are the Trump acolytes, right wing Twitter influencers, and right leaning websites, caring so much about the reaction of MSNBC, CNN, The View, and Hollywood elite to Trump’s victory. Who cares what they think? They need to be shunned and turned off. Their ratings have plummeted, their credibility is shot, and mass layoffs are in the works. The only visibility these left-wing lunatics get is when popular right wingers post their unhinged rants on Twitter.

We need to deny they even exist and let them bloviate in obscurity. Their networks and shows will wither and die, as advertisers flee. Harris and her shadowy handlers spent $1.2 billion trying to convince Americans she wasn’t a dim witted, vacuous, diversity trollop, and she lost in a landslide, despite their best vote rigging efforts. Let them labor in the land of oblivion, wailing and gnashing their teeth, as normal Americans support Trump’s efforts to reverse the degeneracy and deviancy, they glorified during the Biden reign of terror and error.

I’m a highly skeptical individual who isn’t prone to over-optimism when it comes to government reform and promises of politicians. Despite a number of questionable cabinet picks, I do believe Trump does want to accomplish much of what he ran on. It is just unlikely he will succeed, given Thune and McConnell despise him and will install roadblocks every step of the way, and Johnson is a weak-kneed RINO with a minuscule majority in the House. Of course, there are likely to be far bigger events which will propel the next four years than the slow walking machinations of Congress critters.

We have entered the most dangerous, and potentially bloody, time frame of this Fourth Turning. Violent upheaval and the destruction of the existing social order is in the cards. The Deep State, after spending $1.2 trillion and two assassination attempts to stop Trump, are capable of anything when it comes to retaining control over the levers of government power and the obscene wealth generated by such control. Would they even be willing to start World War 3 in order to derail Trump’s agenda before he even takes office? It certainly appears they are doing their utmost to goad Putin into retaliating in a manner which would ensure a global conflagration.

Since Putin is the only adult in a room filled with low IQ lunatic woke western politicians, he will likely disappoint their ambitions to draw him into WW3. He knows Trump will work towards peace if given the chance. But will they give him the chance? His cabinet choices have insured the military industrial complex, surveillance state, and sickcare complex consider him the enemy. And they consider Vance an even more dangerous enemy.

Having Trump and Vance at the same venue would be a high-risk proposition with this many enemies aligned against them. The Deep State is controlled by actual psychopaths in suits who will stop at nothing to win this battle. We know Fourth Turnings never de-intensify and peter out. They build towards a climactic violent resolution, with much bloodshed. I would be entirely satisfied if Trump could just end the wars, close our southern border, eliminate the DEI gibberish, and make some cuts in the size of government. But a vaster societal altering fate is in our foreboding future.

The self-destruction of the American Empire has been underway since the start of this century and is poised to accelerate during Trump’s last term. I would love it if he actually made America great again, but it is too late to accomplish that arduous task. With $36 trillion of debt, $2 trillion annual deficits, $200 trillion of unfunded liabilities, global conflict imminent, and the social cohesion of the country destroyed, Trump may end up being the patsy for when it all goes to hell.

The Civil War Fourth Turning ended in 1865, amidst mass carnage. Exactly 80 years later, the Great Depression/WW2 Fourth Turning ended in 1945, with 65 million deaths. If this Fourth Turning were to follow suit and end 80 years later in 2025, I fear the outcome, which would bring about such an abrupt ending – nuclear war – would result in billions of deaths.  I am a realist who believes there are too many roadblocks and entrenched enemies, on both sides of the aisle, for Trump to achieve his stated agenda, but I hope for the best, while preparing for the worst.

“Humans are wired to advance. Humans do whatever it takes. And yet, nuclear war zeros it all out. Nuclear weapons reduce human brilliance and ingenuity, love and desire, empathy and intellect, to ash.”

-― Annie Jacobsen, Nuclear War: A Scenario

Storm clouds are building, and the next four years will be fraught with danger. Batten down the hatches and choose your friends and allies carefully. May God be with the good guys.
