January 22, 2025

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YouTube (edited)

Democrats believe they can fool us twice; do not prove them right.

V.P. Harris thinks that American voters, like Joe Biden, have weak memories, that we don’t remember (a) why the Soviet economy collapsed, (b) what it means to be an American citizen, and (c) how Democrats scammed the nation using CoViD.

Recent as well as past events highlight Harris’s faulty reasoning.

Candidate Harris just released her economic plans for her presidency. If elected president, Kamala Harris will impose price controls and unsustainable government spending. She disguises her central economic control intentions with grandiose populist rhetoric seeking to position herself as champion of the middle class and working Americans.

Harris will order direct price controls on food and indirect price controls on rental properties using the tax code. She will also accelerate the controls on drug prices built into the falsely titled Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Harris intends to further expand federal spending with increased child support checks, more earned income tax credits, cancellation of medical debt, and tax incentives for housing construction.

Her new handouts will add at least $1.7 trillion more to a U.S. national debt — now more than $35 trillion — that is driving our country toward bankruptcy.

On healthcare she wants to expand Medicaid and eventually turn the whole system into Bernie Sanders’s Medicare-for-All plan, emulating the collapsing single-payer system in Great Britain and the defunct Soviet-style medical system. Bernie Sanders admitted the cost of his plan could be $40 trillion. That is nearly half the GDP of all nations on planet earth, for a healthcare system that won’t provide care!

Not only are Harris’s planned outlays of taxpayer dollars profligate and fiscal suicide, but Democrats also have a history of using budgetary control to reward political allies and punish enemies. Solyndra immediately comes to mind.

Central economic control such as Harris proposes has a track record. History recalls the U.S.S.R., Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with blocks-long lines for “free” shoes, food, toilet paper, and infinitely long wait times for medical care. Whenever government (rather than consumers) has economic control, there are shortages, low quality, poor service, no innovation, and eventual fiscal implosion.

What turned thirteen small colonies into a global superpower was dispersed, rather than central, economic control, the free market, capitalism, entrepreneurship, limited government regulation of the market, and greed. As Milton Freedman pointed out, everyone has a drive toward self-interest, called greed. To say that individuals and corporations are greedy while government is not, is one of the great fallacies of modern times. On a 1-to-10 scale of greed, corporations are a 9, and Washington is 1,000. American voters ignore this fact at their peril.

Harris hopes Americans will forget or ignore that being responsible U.S. citizens means abiding by the law and voting into office people who use the power we delegate to them to better our lives, not theirs. Harris’s past remarks, recent actions, and future intentions run counter to proper citizen behavior.

Throughout her career, Harris has ignored or circumvented the rule of law. As District Attorney of San Francisco and then Attorney General of California, she was soft-on-crime with reduced or no bail, light sentencing, and even declaring theft less than $950 not a crime. Harris’s pro-crime policies turned one of the most popular travel destinations — San Francisco — into a dangerous, crime-ridden, garbage-, and needle-infested, homeless-dominated “unlivable hellhole.” The murder rate in Los Angeles reached a new high.

As Senator, she publicly supported BLM and Antifa rioters, arsonists, and murderers during the violent summer of 2020. On social media, she exhorted Americans to donate bail money for these criminals. As vice president and responsible for border security, at least 10 million individuals broke the law by entering this country illegally. Not only did she fail to stop the flood or punish the lawbreakers, she rewarded them by providing food, housing, medical care, social services, and even wants to extend them the right to vote!

Her robbing Peter (legals) to pay Paul (illegals) does not sit well with average, law-abiding, taxpaying citizens such as residents of Chicago and New York, and 15 state Attorneys General have made abundantly clear.

Democrats believe they can fool us twice. The first was a fake existential CoViD scam they used to justify nullifying our First Amendment rights of free speech, freedom of religion, and assembly. They even forced mass inoculations of a never-before-used, poorly-tested, ineffective, and medically dangerous genetic treatment with mRNA shots.

Using a fabricated CoViD danger as an excuse, the Biden/Harris administration reinstituted tyranny in the U.S.

Now, the newly anointed Democrat leader, Kamala Harris, wants us to believe she will “save democracy” by imposing Soviet-style central economic control, which will give us everything we want, when we want it, for free, if we just give her our vote.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Citizens: keep that in mind when you vote on November 5, 2024.

Deane Waldman, M.D., MBA is Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, Pathology, and Decision Science; former Director of the Center for Healthcare Policy at Texas Public Policy Foundation; former director, New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange; and author of 12 books including the multi-award winning Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare: StatesCare and Market-Based Medicine.

<img alt captext="YouTube (edited)” src=”https://conservativenewsbriefing.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/fool-me-twice-candidate-harris-shame-on-me.jpg”>

Image: YouTube video screen grab, edited.

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