After all manner of hand-wringing, consternation and discussion, it's finally happened. Former President Donald Trump turned himself into the Fulton Country Jail in Atlanta on Thursday and thus produced one of the most eagerly anticipated mugshots in American history: Donald Trump's mugshot has been released pic.twitter.com/Icmob3lCcW — Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters)...
After all manner of hand-wringing, consternation and discussion, it’s finally happened. Former President Donald Trump turned himself into the Fulton Country Jail in Atlanta on Thursday and thus produced one of the most eagerly anticipated mugshots in American history: Donald Trump’s mugshot has been released pic.twitter.com/Icmob3lCcW — Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters)…
After all manner of hand-wringing, consternation and discussion, it’s finally happened. Former President Donald Trump turned himself into the Fulton Country Jail in Atlanta on Thursday and thus produced one of the most eagerly anticipated mugshots in American history: Donald Trump’s mugshot has been released pic.twitter.com/Icmob3lCcW — Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters)…
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